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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_ath79.html has been updated. (98.6% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<Znevna> this broke openvpn it seems
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_tegra.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<Znevna> can someone edit/delete this useless comment: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/12717#issuecomment-1564931723
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<Ansuel> Znevna let them say whatever they want
<Ansuel> we have other priorities
<Znevna> it's sad that Lynx is so butthurt
<Ansuel> it's sad that he is bullying me...
<Znevna> I've reported it to github but apparently one of the devs can take action so that they don't have to :P
<Znevna> and on the forum I've got his comment removed once, yet he wrote again the same crap
<Ansuel> it's one of the situation where taking actions will make it worse trust me
<f00b4r0> it's sad we've gotten so much more inclusive this way ;}
<f00b4r0> as for the issue, I guess it's the first in a long list
<Znevna> meh
<Ansuel> honestly i'm getting pissed by the thing so i will just start to ghost them... i don't accept toxic discussion like that... it's only harmful for me
<Znevna> can't wait for another one of his bash questions
<Znevna> :P
<f00b4r0> i find bash's name quite offensive.
<f00b4r0> dash is a lot more dashing.
<Znevna> dashing through the code
<Znevna> we can make it work :P
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<Ansuel> f00b4r0 ynezz aparcar it was reported that we finished space on buildbot servers? o.O https://buildbot.staging.openwrt.org/openwrt-23.05/packages/#/
<f00b4r0> Ansuel: I haven't done yet the "f00b4r0 treatment" to phase2. IIRC it doesn't cleanup old files, so running out of space isn't exactly a surprise
<Ansuel> wait with old files what you mean ?
<Ansuel> dl dir? old build files?
<f00b4r0> the former AIUI
<f00b4r0> lunch time, sorry
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<dangole> re on inclusiveness: my personal standpoint here is that there are things you chose and things you cannot chose. you should not be discriminated for things you did not and could not possibly chose (such as color of skin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ...). so religious origins (ie. being born into a group) is also not a choice and nobody should be discriminated for that, actively identifying with religious figures IS a
<dangole> choice. not saying that i personally like the humor of Charlie Hebdo. But I wouldn't censor it. Afaik the Christian bible doesn't even say anything about Jesus only being allowed to be depicted in suffering (ie. crucified) pose, there is lots of artwork depicting him in all sorts of situations, think of the Sistine Chapel ceiling in all it's remixes and variations. @Znevna I might be naive and lack the background, but feel free
<dangole> to explain why any of that is a problem.
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<Znevna> Oh I don't have a problem with his avatar
<Znevna> I have a problem with Lynx picking on github and the forums about that avatar
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<f00b4r0> oh dear
<f00b4r0> look what #-devel has turned into :/
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<Znevna> sorry if I said something I shouldn't have
<Ansuel> the next repository i will create will have the default branch named fuck
<Ansuel> will probably be the realtek one so we will have lots of fun guys :D
<Znevna> rofl
<Ansuel> did you checkout fuck ?
<Ansuel> rebase everything on top of fuck
<gch981213> LOL
<Znevna> next fuck branch when
<PaulFertser> We had an embedded UI application at work called "dicktouch".
<Znevna> lol
<PaulFertser> Then you can have a voting to decide whether the branch fuck should be renamed to shag or not.
<Ansuel> i bet the vote will fail since fuck as a branch name is way too good... no reference to anything bad
<PaulFertser> " To some ears, "fuck" (like "bang") can sound like an aggressive act, and/or violent conquest, whereas "shag" (a softer sound) sounds more like an enjoyable fun activity " (urban dictionary)
<Ansuel> shag remembers me something about shit :(
<Ansuel> no idea why tho
<Ansuel> btw the user is starting to be straight toxic and bully...
<Ansuel> and actually harmful to my person...
<PaulFertser> As an IRC veteran, can you probably just /ignore ?
<Ansuel> discussion on forum
<Znevna> forum and he took it to github too sadly
<Ansuel> i'm ignoring everything but still....
<Znevna> ther mighty bash scripter
<Znevna> the*
<Ansuel> Znevna my personal advice is to not fall in the trap and follow the toxicity
<Znevna> I'm busy installing windows remotely via whatsapp with a girl from work lol
<Znevna> damn 12th gen intel
<Ansuel> mh ?
<Znevna> windows 11, no touchpad working, no storage driver etc :P
<Ansuel> how is difficult unless you are trying to install something like win 10 or older
<Znevna> no way to disable vmd
<Ansuel> o.O impossible
<Znevna> telling you
<Ansuel> it's straight impossible to have a laptop certified for win and intel 12gen and not having the driver on wu
<Ansuel> (it's a requirement for the certification)
<Znevna> on wu maybe but you don't have that at install time :P
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<Ansuel> OEM of the device? like it's just stupid to use anything that is not ms precision touchpad
<Ansuel> they use synaptics trash i assume
<Znevna> I think
<Znevna> didn't make it there yet
<jkht5rtdhv> hello! I managed to compile my first openwrt bin. Not a coder. But the filesize is 15-16 mb... can i still flash it? i believe the router has 16 mb maximum.. whats the sizes of these usually? i built in a few stuff in it
<jkht5rtdhv> trying it out.
<Ansuel> device?
<Ansuel> Znevna anyway tab and enter are your friends... also if you want a local account just insert no@thankyou.com as email
<Ansuel> you are welcome ;)
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<Znevna> didn't know about that :P
<Znevna> yes I've managed to teach her to use the keys lol
<jkht5rtdhv> ansuel its this one https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/zbt/zbt_we826_16m
<jkht5rtdhv> the sysupgrade foor that is like 15,5mb would that still work? :)
<jkht5rtdhv> if i have some gui upgrade thing in the default one already...
<jkht5rtdhv> i could maybe remove packages and make it smaller if i could brick it
<Ansuel> mhhh it's listed that the thing have tftp and web recovery
<Ansuel> so recovering from a brick should not be that bad
<jkht5rtdhv> i have no idea how much space is on it already
<jkht5rtdhv> ansuel.. ok, how do i do that?
<jkht5rtdhv> I dont have to open it up and such with a flasher right?
<Ansuel> just backup your config... info should be in the wiki but if the image is 15,5 mb then it's too big
<Ansuel> the thing have usb port so you may consider ext root if you really need that amount of space
<jkht5rtdhv> ok, i will have to scale it down.. How big should they be ? * is y right and that s built in and takes up space? And a m or M is downloadable? was it a big or small m ?
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<jkht5rtdhv> no i can scale it down, i tried building packages into the firmware
<jkht5rtdhv> i can just add them as optional or downloadble
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<jkht5rtdhv> just gonna see what symbol it was
<Ansuel> won't change a thing saddly flash is 16m and even less considering a kernel partition uboot bootloader and fw required
<Ansuel> so you would have probably 10 mb of space left for rootfs (all the packages and lib)
<Ansuel> you can try by using wpad-tiny to reduce some core components but i think that is already the case
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<jkht5rtdhv> what?
<jkht5rtdhv> I meant.. what are the maximum size allowed to flash... also, i might need to scale it down to like 7 mb instead of 15 gonna check
<Ansuel> your device have 16mb of total flash... of these 16mb only 12 are probably usable if not less...
<jkht5rtdhv> ok, the official image is 6mb.good to know
<jkht5rtdhv> ok thanks
<Znevna> ,./.?ÂîĂÎÂ+_!@#$%^&*()_+=-0987653â2„„îâ//?:;./ș=-0_+-)_+()_*()&(*)&*()Â
<jkht5rtdhv> also good to know
<Znevna> whops
<Znevna> sorrt
<Znevna> sorry* ^^
<Ansuel> again your device have a usb port
<Ansuel> so you can attach a usb stick and use extroot to add additional package
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<Ansuel> wiki have all the info you need for that
<jkht5rtdhv> okany link for that?
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<Ansuel> don't have them at hands google should quickly give info
<jkht5rtdhv> Do i need to compile that or just set it up after and just add compiled packages..
<jkht5rtdhv> ok. thanks
<jkht5rtdhv> new at this but openwrt seems way scalable and such. cool
<Ansuel> for extroot usb support is needed just that
<jkht5rtdhv> i just need to set everything to M
<jkht5rtdhv> ok
<jkht5rtdhv> gonna re-compile. Do i just delete the folder with the files created and edit the menuconfig and re-compile?
<jkht5rtdhv> or are theresome good easy command to delete the files maybe
<Ansuel> nothing to delete just use menuconfig
<jkht5rtdhv> okso there will be two build files after that ?
<Ansuel> no it will be replaced with the new one
<jkht5rtdhv> in the bin target folder..o
<jkht5rtdhv> ok
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<jkht5rtdhv> thanks
<jkht5rtdhv> gonna check
<jkht5rtdhv> i also built some openwrt image builder what can i do wth that one?
<jkht5rtdhv> just tried some setting.. its to big ayways
<jkht5rtdhv> will delete them
<jkht5rtdhv> try again
<jkht5rtdhv> is SElinux unsecure? its disabled by default
<jkht5rtdhv> is it more secure that way?
<jkht5rtdhv> what is selinux?
<jkht5rtdhv> is it secure to have it on or off?
<jkht5rtdhv> whats most secure?
<jkht5rtdhv> i'm thinking off.. i read about it shortly
<jkht5rtdhv> are there ny services like mutt i need to learn bt for sms?
<jkht5rtdhv> but for sending andgewtting sms with maybe some online service
<jkht5rtdhv> host
<jkht5rtdhv> sending getting text messages.. what call or text app would be used
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<Ansuel> rip
<Znevna> indeed
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<[Pokey]> Do we have any FCC gurus in here who know how to use their search system effectively? Wanna find a specific product to get internal photos
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<[Pokey]> Huh - I found what I was looking for.... Is it normal for the FCC pictures to show what appears to be a completely different product from the same company?
<Habbie> internally or externally?
<[Pokey]> Habbie: Not entirely sure... I'll send the two things for clarity
<[Pokey]> https://www.bridgecpe.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/4-2-1320x1226.jpg This is the thing I am interested in
<[Pokey]> https://fccid.io/2AX9H-25126 This is the FCC info which shows a different product
<[Pokey]> Looks like MT7628 and it looks like OpenWRT has support for that so i am hopeful I can add support
<Habbie> right
<Habbie> i wonder if the internals are identical
<[Pokey]> I'm not sure if they would be as the board shape would be different
<[Pokey]> And the one I am interested in has switches and an LED display
<Habbie> 90 degrees rotation won't do the job?
<Habbie> right
<Habbie> weird
<[Pokey]> Very
<Habbie> no fcc id on that one
<Habbie> at least, on the photos in this pdf
<[Pokey]> On the box, it is taped over with a KuWfi sticker
<[Pokey]> Rebranded
<Habbie> ah
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<_mfjlo54ys> hey..i built openwrt but it's 13 m.. should target images > squashfs be selected with a dot?
<_mfjlo54ys> I need to go over it again and see what i have selectedbuilt into it.. the M options don't take up much space on the buit firmware right?
<_mfjlo54ys> i did other things tonight bit saw it compiled and i want it like 7 mb maybe or the smallest possible
<_mfjlo54ys> to fit the router
<_mfjlo54ys> imust have built in too many packages i need to check again
<_mfjlo54ys> i have selected M but theyare not built into the firmware so they probably not taking up much space, maybe some build detail space though
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