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* f00b4r0 eventually notices that his "stuck in reboot" WDRs have Zentel RAM, while the "happily rebooting like a charm" ones have Winbond RAM modules. Thinks he may be onto something
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<lmahmutov> hi2all
<lmahmutov> Working with target ipq807x Yuncore ax880. Builded openwrt 22 from @robimarko git all works fine. Then builded new openwrt 23 from master and added PR. And have problem. Rootfs not found.
<lmahmutov> after reserarch i found issue. On openwrt 22 ubiattach after mounting show 3 volume , on openwrt 23 show 4 volume
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<lmahmutov> 1
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<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: "ubinfo -v" would be curious to look at
<PaulFertser> Also, full dmesg output might help.
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<lmahmutov> ubinfo -v ubinfo: unrecognized option: v
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<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: sorry, it's -a
<lmahmutov> its realy very strange
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: that's from two different devices, right?
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: and on the device with extra ubi_rootfs volume it's just wasn't removed during OpenWrt installation it seems.
<lmahmutov> no ) it is from single device but different openwrt version
<PaulFertser> Are you 100 % sure?
<lmahmutov> i run it on hand
<lmahmutov> i have 2 different ram image , openwrt 22 and openwrt 23
<PaulFertser> And just one board
<PaulFertser> So it is just one NAND IC.
<PaulFertser> And depending on kernel version the volumes are different on it?
<PaulFertser> Hard to believe.
<PaulFertser> And rootfs_data is of different size
<PaulFertser> Nah that's not possible
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: Yes onde device one nand two different kernel
<lmahmutov> bu u-boot always show correct volume count
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: what if you try recreating the whole ubi container?
<lmahmutov> u-boot log:
<lmahmutov> bi0: attaching mtd2 ubi0: scanning is finished ubi0: attached mtd2 (name "mtd=0", size 52 MiB) ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048 ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096 ubi0: good PEBs: 415, bad PEBs: 1, corrupted PEBs: 0 ubi0: user volume: 3, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
<PaulFertser> On current master
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: i need to update working device (
<lmahmutov> but i have realy 2 device , on first all ok, 3 volue on all system and wrt23 works fine
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: so uboot showing mtd2, what's mtd0 and mtd1?
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: youo still haven't pastebin full log of running initramfs images on this single board.
<lmahmutov> mtd0 and mtd1 spi-nor partitions
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: 5 min
<lmahmutov> maybe it's realy not deleted ubi_rootfs volume on openwrt 22, but why it's not showing on working openwrt 22
<PaulFertser> It really looks like two different NAND devices are scanned. Or the format of storing volumes changed but I do not see it in the log.
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: can it be something like CONFIG_MTD_UBI_FASTMAP not enabled in one build but enabled in another?
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: maybe
<PaulFertser> I mean please check.
<lmahmutov> kernel 5.10 and kernel 5.1.
<lmahmutov> 5.15*
<PaulFertser> Check if CONFIG_MTD_UBI_FASTMAP is enabled inconsistently.
<lmahmutov> confgi not found in kernels
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<lmahmutov> maybe it is realy different partitions
<PaulFertser> Are you not self-building both?
<PaulFertser> I do not see a way to have different partitions on one same flash memory IC.
<lmahmutov> log from openwrt 23
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: all self-builded
<lmahmutov> wrt 22:
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: by default on nand 2 partition rootfs and rootfs_1
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: ok that explains it.
<lmahmutov> but on bootargs setted rootfs as root partition
<lmahmutov> maybe its real bug and ubi attached rootfs_1 not rootfs.....
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: you have different partitions on NAND, in one case mtd0 is 0x000003c00000-0x000007000000 and in another case mtd0 is 0x000000000000-0x000003400000
<PaulFertser> So that's indeed different NAND contents. Single NAND IC having two different ubi containers.
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: but you know what's really wrong about this story?
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: in your DT you should be using name "ubi" for the ubi container that stores OpenWrt. Do not use "rootfs" please, as OpenWrt treats this name in a special way.
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: openwrt 22 it is not my work ((((
<lmahmutov> on 23 i fix thix problem , i now about it
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: aha, so with the partition list and names comes from DT while with some qcomsmem partition table is used.
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: why do you care about 22 at all? The support needs to be based on master and submitted upstream. Then when accepted in master it can be backported to the latest release.
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<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: i'm not interested on 22 ) i need to understand current problem. Current problem i cannot upgrade from 22 to 23, with vole issue
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: I think you first need to fix the name for the partition (set it to "ubi") and use fixed partition table in DT. Then you just run the initramfs image, attach the right ubi, delete all the volumes and let sysupgrade create them as needed.
<lmahmutov> it's easy way.... but i need upgrade working device ...
<PaulFertser> save the configs before upgrading
<PaulFertser> Or do you need to do it all remotely or what?
<lmahmutov> all remotely(
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: I see you're using manual ubiattach command so instead of ubiattach -m0 use ubiattach -m2
<lmahmutov> i dont have local acces
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: yes i think real problem is on wrong partition
<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: just mtd0 and mtd2 swapped depending on what way of partitioning is used, fixed from DT or qcosthing.
<PaulFertser> So you can mount the partition no problem.
<lmahmutov> i have only one solution, as i understand. remove secondary partition from dt on openwrt 23 )
<lmahmutov> but it's very strange, openwrt 22 load partitions from smem, openwrt 23 only from dr
<lmahmutov> dt*
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<PaulFertser> lmahmutov: probably you compile without support for that qcomsmem.
<lmahmutov> PaulFertser: i dont change kernel config, it's from openwrt 23.05 original
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<Tapper> robimarko
<Tapper> these Flash instructions don't even make sence.
<Tapper> Ansuel
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<f00b4r0> Tapper: they do?
<romany> hi all
<romany> am I the only one hitting libustream-ssl compile error due to mbedtls not selected by default?
<romany> fixed like this:
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<SpectreDev_01> Guys how long does it take for the pull request to get accepted, mine has been sitting there since September
<jow> SpectreDev_01: anything between days and years
<jow> SpectreDev_01: what PR is it?
<SpectreDev_01> jow: just add a new device
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