<owrt-images-builds> Build [#6](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/45/builds/6) of `master_sunxi/cortexa7` completed successfully.
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<ldir> I'm in need of some help with odhcpd. I've a requirement to do prefix delegation on an interface, excluding the ULA prefix. I'm really struggling reading the code. I think around line 1522 of dhcpv6-ia.c is the key area.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#7](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/45/builds/7) of `master_sunxi/cortexa7` failed.
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<killgufo> Hello! Any good soul who can merge https://github.com/openwrt/packages/pull/23001 ? It has been made this morning by the package maintainer and I could use the new package on my router :)
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<Habbie> Mangix, thank you for your vigilance on packages#23001 :)
<Habbie> Mangix, rgacogne actually wrote most of the current Makefile, so we'll do a PR to add him, to avoid confusion
<killgufo> thanks @Habbie @Mangix
<Habbie> oh hi :)
<Habbie> i am not working for two weeks, but rgacogne picked it up nicely
<killgufo> :)
<Habbie> note that his PR is to master
<Habbie> if he doesn't backport it to 23.05, maybe you want to do it, after it's merged
<killgufo> ah, I have no idea how to TBH
<Habbie> ok, then the alternative is that you watch what happens and remind somebody :)
<killgufo> is it a complex task or just a matter of checking out the correct branch and committing the same change?
<Habbie> that is the task
<Habbie> then build it, or make the PR so that github actions builds it, then test the resulting packages
<Habbie> i/we have a fork of openwrt/packages so that we can PR without making noise in openwrt/packages and get packages to test with
<Habbie> every PR i make to openwrt/packages first appears in https://github.com/PowerDNS/openwrt-packages/pulls
<Habbie> because i'm too lazy to build on my laptop
<killgufo> I am a couple steps behind like "I just wanted to upgrade my router and move on with my holidays" XD XD
<Habbie> a few months ago, packages from master ran fine on 23.05
<Habbie> this is not -advice-, to be clear :D
<killgufo> eheh, I could follow your not advice actually
<Habbie> as long as it's clearly marked as such :D
<killgufo> but also can test if someone helps generate the package for 23.05
<Habbie> and, thanks for the ticket - as rgacogne indicated, we made assumptions about what openwrt users would be using and not using
<killgufo> that's the minimum, I'm pleasantly impressed on the turnaround speed TBH
<Habbie> good to hear, we try to care :)
<killgufo> it shows
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<killgufo> Habbie I am in the process of opening a PR for the 23.05 branch, but I won't be able to test the package until I get it compiled by some machines I don't own :) https://github.com/openwrt/packages/pull/23006
<Habbie> if somebody approves the workflows there, a few hours later, you can download packages
<killgufo> well. I was in the process, the PR is now open but workflows don't start without approval
<killgufo> great
<killgufo> where are the compiled packages? I will test the result when ready
<killgufo> where can I find them, I mean
<Habbie> ok, look at 23001 - go to Checks, Test Build, scroll down
<Habbie> once your workflows are run, you'll get that on 23006 too after some time
<Habbie> (67 minutes in the case of 23001, probably similar for yours)
<killgufo> ah, as simple as artifacts of the pipeline. makes sense :D thanks
<Habbie> np :)
<killgufo> check, I'll test once the artifacts are ready and report back in the PR. thanks for the support so far
<Habbie> wonderful
<killgufo> for the record: in the meantime the package from master seems to be doing the trick
<Habbie> wonderful
<Habbie> please comment that on the original PR
<killgufo> done
* Habbie has email
<Habbie> :)
<Habbie> great, thanks
<killgufo> to you, I missed this 1+1=2 with the workflow and artifacts, otherwise I'd have done this sooner :)
<Habbie> ack :)
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