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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<Habbie> can a kernel even emit log messages without a dts?
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<KanjiMonster> Habbie: depends. arm e.g. has DEBUG_LL which allows hardcoding a serial port to use in the kernel config for very early printk
<Habbie> ah, i see it
<Habbie> this is cavium octeon cn5020
<Habbie> i see freebsd, which this device (juniper srx210) ships with mentions it found "u-boot console"
<Habbie> but i haven't found any indication that linux can print to that
<dwfreed> try adding 'earlyprintk' to kernel command line, see if you get a banner
<Habbie> ah, i already did 'grep -i .config' but that wasn't it
<Habbie> i'm not even sure i can pass a command line :>
<dwfreed> you can pass a command line via dts if you have to
<Habbie> oh right :)
<Habbie> oh, and CMDLINE in define Device/...
<Habbie> related but different question, can i get a kernel disassembly (like objdump -s) with source lines?
<Habbie> because i do have a pc= for the crash
<dwfreed> there might be a System.map somewhere
<dwfreed> that'll at least get you the function
<Habbie> right, there is
<dwfreed> there's an option to keep the kernel debug info in the buildsystem, but I've never actually debugged a kernel with that
<Habbie> ah, now i have dependency problems
<Habbie> * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for ppp-mod-pppoe:
<Habbie> * kernel (= 6.1.69-1-21ece165e0efab1eca7b1fbfc96eae31)
<dwfreed> because every kernel build changes that hash
<Habbie> oh, bet i need install -a after update -a
<Habbie> or make clean?
<Habbie> we'll see
<Habbie> build completed in any case
<Habbie> cause: 40008008 pc: 81bab408
<Habbie> ffffffff81bab3c4 T prom_init
<Habbie> * The bootloader passes a pointer to the boot descriptor in
<Habbie> does it though!
<Habbie> dwfreed, no joy from earlyprintk
<Habbie> it doesn't help that i barely have a clue what i'm doing :)
<dwfreed> heh
<Habbie> the uboot mailinglist archives have fun quotes like "cavium never upstreamed their work so we cannot answer questions"
<Habbie> however! even though i haven't gotten any text out yet, today's lesson is that the exception happens in some semi-plausible place
<Habbie> so my kernel is loaded. it is started. no code signing shenanigans have prevented this.
<Habbie> it's not a terrible outcome
<dwfreed> yeah
<Habbie> i can just edit the extracted kernel sources and hit 'make', right?
<Habbie> here's a 3 line horror story
<Habbie> prom_init();
<Habbie> setup_early_fdc_console();
<Habbie> dwfreed, thanks, btw :)
<dwfreed> hah
<dwfreed> need earlyearlyprintk
<Habbie> :D
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<Habbie> using (llvm-)objdump on build_dir/target-mips64_octeonplus_64_musl/linux-octeon_generic/linux-6.1.69/vmlinux at least gets me symbols right in the output
<Habbie> the one in bin/ is stripped, even though i set sstrip to none
<dwfreed> kernel and/or buildsystem tries extra hard to strip kernel debug info
<dwfreed> because the whole image needs to be loaded into RAM, and will live there forever, so debug info is just wasting RAM
<Habbie> ack
<Habbie> haha, target/linux/*/config-6.1 has CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y .. except for one target
<Habbie> my target, octeon
<Habbie> target/linux/octeon/config-6.1:CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_NONE=y
<dwfreed> oof
<Habbie> if that doesn't work, i'm going to have to wolf fence debug into some register that linux doesn't care about but uboot exceptions do print ;)
<dwfreed> or just figure out which register is in use for the failing code?
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<Habbie> from my notes
<Habbie> ffffffff81bab408: dc 62 01 88 ld $2, 392($3)
<Habbie> so some operation on `392($3)`. The register value that seems closest to `badvaddr: c30dee50` is `v1: c30decc8` and indeed, their difference is 392.
<Habbie> is how far i am
<Habbie> with some code digging i can likely figure out what struct has something at 392
<Habbie> i don't know enough to be confident but it almost looks like openwrt is just not setting kernel .config right
<dwfreed> guarantee you it's that cvmx_desc_addr load
<dwfreed> because cvmx_desc_addr is at the very end of its rather large struct
<Habbie> vaddr?
<dwfreed> err, yes
<Habbie> ack
<Habbie> oh, i in fact have some register dumps where pc is the same but badvaddr, and the related register (sometimes v0, sometimes v1), vary together
<Habbie> so definitely garbage from uboot
<Habbie> which i can't immediately blame - i just tell it to run an ELF file
<Habbie> well, ELF image
* dwfreed closes the tabs before you nerdsnipe me any more
<Habbie> :D