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<damo22> thanks tmn505
<damo22> i will give it a shot
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_sunxi.html has been updated. (0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_x86.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<xback> Ansuel: Just mailed you the details of a test on a fresh pull
<xback> Ansuel: it's the same issue :-)
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<damo22> Uncompressing Kernel Image ... LZMA ERROR 1 - must RESET board to recover
<damo22> im getting this on my new port
<damo22> but when i use no initrd compression it works
<damo22> if i append the dtb to the vmlinux-initrd uncompressed and boot that raw
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<Habbie> somebody demanded i file https://github.com/openwrt/packages-abandoned/pull/39 and now it's just sitting there
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<PaulFertser> damo22: hi
<PaulFertser> damo22: sometimes vendor u-boot lzma implementation is broken. Not sure about ERROR 1 specifically, probably some other lzma parameters can be changed to make it happier. But many targets just embed their own uncompressed lzma-loader instead.
<PaulFertser> damo22: regarding your earlier questions about tplink firmware header, the best way to tell details about it is to check the vendor firmware you dumped from partition. If it starts with a header then you need something like that for sysupgrade images. If not, not.
<hauke> Habbie: why do you add something to packages-abandoned ?
<Habbie> i don't know why they asked
<Habbie> i figured it was policy
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<hauke> Habbie: I think it does not make sense to spend effort on adding something to packages-abandoned
<Habbie> i agree
<Habbie> i have no clue why he wanted this
<Habbie> which is why i'm a bit annoyed by the PR just sitting there with a few shitpost comments on it
<Habbie> i don't know what any of these people want (except for Mangix who is nice)
<Habbie> so i was wondering what i was missing :)
<Habbie> so, question: what -is- packages-abandoned for?
<hauke> we used it for old targets for some time, but I think that strategy failed, nobody looked at it later on. If you need the code back you can take it from the git hrtosry.
<Habbie> yes, i agree
<Habbie> thanks, i'll leave a few comments and close it
<Habbie> ah you also commented
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<owrt-images-builds_> Build [#234](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/124/builds/234) of `master_bcm27xx/bcm2710` failed.
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<owrt-images-builds_> Build [#238](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/168/builds/238) of `master_imx/cortexa7` failed.
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<owrt-images-builds_> Build [#240](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/138/builds/240) of `master_bcm27xx/bcm2708` failed.
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<Mangix> Habbie: AFAIK, the trend is to move packages to packages-abandoned. No idea why since git history is a thing.
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<Habbie> Mangix, right
<Habbie> Mangix, well, next time whoever asks me to can do it themselves ;)
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<Mangix> Habbie: hmmm maybe it's a hold over from SVN
<Mangix> I am unfamilliar with SVN
<Habbie> svn has history too ;)
<jow> I think the idea one was to have a repo of explicitly unmaintained packages
<jow> *once
<jow> where the user is aware that this feed contains outdated, unmaintained stuff with potentially known vulnerabilities
<Habbie> right
<Habbie> so for the case where people really want something even if nobody else cares about it and also they don't care enough to PR updates, basically
<jow> the faxt that a package did exist at some point in the past and is now part of the git history does not make it readily usable as feed
<jow> you'd have to either checkout an old revisio nwhere it still existed, likely breaking a lot of unrelated things
<jow> or create a new feed where you manually import the package
<Habbie> yep
<jow> which is kind of what packages-abandonned was intended to be
<jow> but given the lack of manpower, this is simply a luxory the proect cannot affort
<jow> *afford
<Habbie> yeah
<jow> pulling long deleted files out of the git history can be surprisingly hard for non proficient git users
<jow> especially if a former package was composed of many files, say a Makefile plus a bunch of patches and script support files
<jow> doing that via the github web history browser quickly becomes unwieldy
<Habbie> and none of that will deliver a built package
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