schmars[m]: so this is with mt76.git manually updated to the latest version, not just the version used in latest openwrt master, right?
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nbd: yep, built an imagebuilder myself and plugged that into ny tooling
i really should activate phy1 debugging too i guess
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schmars[m]: what kind of device is this?
the two from the past days are zyxel nwa55axe, but since we've picked up debugging recently i've also crashed cudy x6 (that's mt7621 too)
the crashing devices are in public places where there's lots of coming and going, and also e.g. buses driving past slowlt
so when it tries to recover, there is a kernel task that's hanging?
or what's the main symptom?
wifi is "dead", and cpu load is elevated. the cpu load characteristics have been changing with the recovery commits, now the latest had only slightly elevated load while previously it was flat 9.0 load
i will have to check the task list later today when it crashes next time
next time that happens, can you please do echo t > /proc/sysrq-trigger
nbd: hi, btw if you replied to saturday's email I haven't seen it: my VPS provider is kaput at the moment (whole DC offline due to cooling failure, so it's likely gonna take a while)
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f00b4r0: i did receive it, but wasn't able to look into it yet. just got back from vacation yesterday
f00b4r0: what was the last mt76.git version that you tested?
oh i see, no worries. Sounds similar to what schmars experienced
basically the MCU restart kicked in and then the kernel collapsed
anyone has a board where the "u-boot system environment" feature is used? i.e.: fw_printsys and friends? Was curious on how it's meant to be used and how vendors actually use it
looks like I'll have to spawn a replacement MX, last status update no longer provides "ETA to next update" ;P
Mangix: pong
is it too much to expect 200Mbps over IPsec VPN on a GL-iNet Beryl AX (Filogic)?
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stopped qosify, tried packet_steering 0 and 1, flow_offloading and flow_offloading_hw 0 and 1, it seems to be completely impossible to stream even a 70Mbps video