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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#123](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/33/builds/123) of `openwrt-23.05_ipq40xx/mikrotik` failed.
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<damo22> can this please be merged so i can rebase my working port to have no external deps: https://github.com/openwrt/firmware-utils/pull/34
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<Habbie> Mangix, looks like you can opt out for now
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#124](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/10/builds/124) of `openwrt-23.05_bcm63xx/smp` failed.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#123](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/98/builds/123) of `openwrt-23.05_bcm27xx/bcm2709` failed.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#124](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/156/builds/124) of `openwrt-23.05_gemini/generic` failed.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#123](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/42/builds/123) of `openwrt-23.05_mpc85xx/p2020` failed.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#123](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/135/builds/123) of `openwrt-23.05_bcm27xx/bcm2711` failed.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#377](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/217/builds/377) of `master_bcm47xx/generic` failed.
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<Rondom> hi, I have posted a procd patch, first on the mailing list with one reminder, and then on github. Is there any chance that someone could review that one? https://github.com/openwrt/procd/pull/9
<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_mpc85xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#125](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/192/builds/125) of `openwrt-23.05_bcm27xx/bcm2708` failed.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#366](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/189/builds/366) of `master_mediatek/mt7622` completed successfully.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#380](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/45/builds/380) of `master_sunxi/cortexa7` completed successfully.
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<Habbie> draft PR for 'add apk cmd:foo' support :) https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/16427
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<Mangix> Habbie: nice
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<Mangix> I just measured power usage of an MX60W and an RT3200. .032 vs .050 amps. Interesting.
<Habbie> at 12V?
<Mangix> I meant .32 and .50. At 120V
<Habbie> ah
<Mangix> I can't do 240V in this room.
<Habbie> and you're measuring on the AC side
<Mangix> yep
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<Mangix> I have always heard 240V results in lower wattage
<Mangix> although that probably only applies to hundreds of watts, not 6.
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<Habbie> heh
<Habbie> i honestly don't know
<mirko> Mangix: hm? "lower wattage on 240V"?
<SwedeMike> lower amps, not lower wattage
<Mangix> mirko: the AC/DC adapter is supposedly more efficient at 240V
<SwedeMike> Mangix: if it is, it's very small difference, probably in the order of 1%
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<Mangix> Tom's hardware tested a PS5 on 120V vs 240V. 240 resulted in 7 watts less or something ike that
<mirko> Mangix: oh, I highly doubt that +/- 10 Watts on AC side make a difference here
<mirko> ah, 120 vs 240 - now I get it
<Mangix> yeah there's split phase here
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<Ansuel> the benefit of 240 is mostly less A aka less heat... if the psu is not shit less = more efficient
<mirko> 110V/120V is just prone to kick the fuse if you're bad at playing tetris with managing power hungry devices
<SwedeMike> I found this: "So a 1000w titanium psu is 94%efficent @120v And 96% efficient@240v" so ok, 2%
<Habbie> 2%.
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<Mangix> SwedeMike: not bad
<Mangix> mirko: not really. Most stuff is on 20A circuits
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