alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard & Bifrost - Logs - <macc24> i have been here before it was popular
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<HdkR> Cute, OP1 :P
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<icecream95> Dylanger[m]: I don't think anyone else can hear you, you'll have to use NickServ to register/identify to OFTC first
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<HdkR> Make sure to check your status window. Needs nickserv identification and verification
<macc24> ping?
<HdkR> pong
<Danct12> beep
<HdkR> boop
<macc24> question
<macc24> is t720 as slow as g31?
<HdkR> That would depend on number of cores
<HdkR> Max config of each, T720 should be slightly higher performance
<HdkR> Depending on how well vector versus scalar smashes your workload I guess :P
<Dylanger[m]> 👋 Hey all, does anyone know how ARM Mali GPUs work for virtualized workflows? If I had 2 VMs for example, is it possible to share/split/SR-IOV the GPU into devices that can be passed down to each VM? If not, is it possible to share the GPU at all in a workflow like this?
<Dylanger[m]> More specifically the Mali-G57 is the GPU I'm playing with
<macc24> Dylanger[m]: isn't G57 valhall?
<HdkR> virgl can pass GL commands across a VM boundary
<macc24> and are you running linux on g57?
<macc24> g57 device*
<HdkR> I don't believe the hardware has any way to do SR-IOV style GPU sharing though
<HdkR> and yes, if you have a Mali-G57 device running Linux with ARM blobs. Where can I buy one? I need it for development purposes :)
<Dylanger[m]> Yeah G57 is Valhall
<Dylanger[m]> <macc24 "and are you running linux on g57"> "Linux" - running Android
<macc24> Dylanger[m]: :(
<HdkR> ah
<Dylanger[m]> <HdkR "virgl can pass GL commands acros"> This is interesting
<Dylanger[m]> <HdkR "and yes, if you have a Mali-G57 "> Just using a handheld/Dimensity 800
<HdkR> I also have a Mediatek 1000 Android device. Sadly Android is a huge pain to work around.
<macc24> it would be funny if dimensity 800 were just mt8192 that didn't pass qc
<daniels> HdkR: OP1 is just different clocks right?
<HdkR> I believe so
<macc24> daniels: rockchip op1?
<daniels> yeah
<HdkR> I don't know a ton about it since it only ever shipped other device
<macc24> yea it's just clocked a bit higher iirc
<daniels> HdkR: also you can have proper virtual, but only in G78AE
<HdkR> daniels: That doesn't include virtualized GPU though?
<HdkR> Oh, I was thinking A78AE
<macc24> daniels: the op1 is inside chromebook therefore i must know everything about it >:D
<macc24> chromebooks*
<HdkR> G78AE makes sense
<macc24> AE86 mali would be interesting
<HdkR> Sadly it doesn't make much sense for mobile design mali to support virtualized GPU
<HdkR> Maybe if they release a dGPU with 20TFLOP/s of perf ;)
<macc24> we can only hope
<Dylanger[m]> <HdkR "Sadly it doesn't make much sense"> It does if you want to have a Qubes-like workflow on a handheld device
<macc24> Dylanger[m]: but why?
<icecream95> At least on Bifrost, jobs can mess up jobs on another slot more than they should be able to, so jobs from different VMs couldn't be run at the same time
<Dylanger[m]> Securityyyyy
<HdkR> Your secure environment now needs to use virgl to punch a hole :)
<Dylanger[m]> <icecream95 "At least on Bifrost, jobs can me"> Hm, is there anymore info about this anywhere?
<macc24> >implying that there is any mali info anywhere
<Dylanger[m]> Lol, yeesh, sounds like I'm gonna have drivers in IDA for the next few weeks
<icecream95> dylanger: You can have a screenshot:
<HdkR> Maybe we can hope that desktops gain this functionality first, then we can hope mobiles will
<HdkR> (Radeon Pro and Tesla isn't desktop class)
<icecream95> "drivers in IDA". If you do that, we'll have to be very careful not to look at anything you write without at least three layers of lawyers inbetween
<icecream95> (unless you are using it on Panfrost, reverse engineering that is fine)
<Dylanger[m]> That's sad and disappointing
<Dylanger[m]> I thought it was only Qualcomm like that
<macc24> did you think that only qualcomm protects their code?
<icecream95> It's unlikely that ARM would actually do anything but it's better to be safe than sorry
<icecream95> A bigger problem would be patents, which is apparently the reason I'm not allowed to upstream a software AFBC codec
<macc24> mediatek's MM21 format better not be patented
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<cyrozap> macc24: MM21 is a pixel format, not an image compression format like AFBC, and is handled entirely in hardware.
<cyrozap> But from a quick look I wasn't able to find any patents describing it.
<macc24> oh
<macc24> cool
<alyssa> Dylanger[m]: As was stated above, disassembling/decompiling the Mali proprietary drivers would likely prohibit you from contributing to Panfrost in the future
<alyssa> daniels: ^^
<alyssa> As was suggested above, I suspect you'd be happier using virgl..
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<Dylanger[m]> How is it even possible to build panfrost if no documentation exists and you're prohibited from reverse engineering?
<alyssa> 2. Who says we're prohibited from reverse-engineering?
<Dylanger[m]> Oh, so there's no need to reverse engineer anything because the penfrost project already have documentation?
<Dylanger[m]> > Arm are now working together with Collabora to provide us with information and documentation which allows us and the community to understand the hardware.
<Dylanger[m]> And that's why thou shall not RE?
<HdkR> Reverse engineering is possible, it just needs to be black box reverse engineering rather than inspecting original binary
<Dylanger[m]> Any chance these doc's can be shared?
<alyssa> Like what we've been doing over at #asahi-gpu
<Dylanger[m]> I'm guessing alyssa had to sign a bunch O NDA
<alyssa> Or.. years of Panfrost
<alyssa> Panfrost source code will be your best reference for hw n
<Dylanger[m]> Ah ty
<alyssa> ^ All the GPU data structures for Midgard and Bifrost
<Dylanger[m]> Nice thank you
<alyssa> er
<alyssa> ^ All the instruction encodings for Bifrost v7 (so G76)
<alyssa> ^ Non-instruction details that didn't fit in ISA.xml
<Dylanger[m]> Anything for Valhal yet?
<HdkR> There aren't any Linux Valhall SBCs on the market, hard to RE from Android
<alyssa> ^ Midgard instruction set, if you're into that
<Dylanger[m]> <HdkR "There aren't any Linux Valhall S"> There's the Lenovo IdeaPad Duet (kukui) I think that's Valhal (ChromiumOS/Gentoo)
<alyssa> Duet is Bifrost
<HdkR> ^
<Dylanger[m]> Ah my bad
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