alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard & Bifrost - Logs - <macc24> i have been here before it was popular
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<tomeu> alyssa: foo.patch looks great to me, thanks!
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<macc24> lol apparently there is some info on rg552 handheld and it's going to have rk3399 chip. in 2021.
<CounterPillow> I don't think there's a 3599 yet, so rk3399 doesn't seem like a terrible choice in current year.
<macc24> 3588*
<macc24> rk3399 is... kinda old
<HdkR> Sounds like an okay one for support though
<CounterPillow> so am I but I still try to do new things ;_;
<urja> macc24: lol i still havent even gotten a 3399 device :P
* macc24 yeets his kevin into urja
<macc24> there you go
<macc24> now it's your problem
<CounterPillow> I've got one arriving tomorrow.
* urja wasnt looking for a kevin tho
<macc24> CounterPillow: kevin?
<CounterPillow> No, ROCKPro64
<macc24> ah, cpp;
<macc24> cool*
* urja looked at bob, but has already enough laptops and not enough money
<macc24> i'd gladly exchange my kevin for a bob
<macc24> the 2400x1600 screen kills performance of everything :<
<urja> program the VOP scaler to run it from a 1200x800 framebuffer
<macc24> hold my beer
<urja> (= i think you could just xrandr that up... the syntax might not be fun... not sure how it works with non-X tho :P)
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<macc24> o/ alpernebbi
<alpernebbi> yo
<macc24> alpernebbi: do you know of any way to get ap uart console on kevin?
<alpernebbi> dunno
<alpernebbi> closest thing I know of is the servo debug board
<macc24> i wish i had servo
<alpernebbi> me too
<macc24> my vacuum cleaner broke yesterday so i put a G31 inside of it and it started to suck again
<HdkR> I don't think that is fair. It's a GPU that is woefully underpowered for the product it was dropped in to
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<HdkR> Or maybe perfectly powered depending on if you're trying to push it too far :)
<HdkR> Widescreen 480p? Perfect
<macc24> Did you mean: "Widescreen 240p?"?
<HdkR> 854x480
<macc24> trust me, either g31 is too slow or panfrost is too slow
<macc24> 854x480 is a bit too much
<macc24> i can't play minecraft bedrock edition in 60fps on odroid go super :(
<HdkR> "you're trying to push it too far"
<icecream95> Interesting... I thought Z/S AFBC was the same as non-YTR RGBA, but some tiles are invalid for a decoder set to RGBA, so I guess there are some additional compression modes for depth
<icecream95> (the 24-bit depth value is spread across the RGB channels, stencil is alpha)
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<icecream95> Or maybe it isn't so much like RGBA after all, and I just messed up with my AFBC test program...
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<robmur01> macc24: the purpose of G31 is to render the Android UI (at probably not more than 1080p60). Seriously. Adjust expectations accordingly...
<macc24> robmur01: do you know how to use qos stuff? i don't see anything in rockchip's kernel about it
<robmur01> you jest, but in fact a "smart" vacuum cleaner with, say, a 4" a touch display is exactly the kind of market opportunity for putting a tiny GPU in an area (== cost) and power-constrained embedded SoC ;)
<HdkR> Roomba with 4" rendered display roaming around your house
<macc24> robmur01: rk3326?
<robmur01> QoS? Nope, sorry. Even if Rockchip used our interconnects, which they don't, it would be very SoC-specific.
<macc24> :|
<HdkR> They don't use CCI?
<HdkR> Here I thought it was just Nvidia being weird and not using it
<macc24> mediatek uses their own too afaik
<macc24> at least on mt8183
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<Rathann> hi
<Rathann> so many people here :)
<Rathann> is the right place to report bugs?
<macc24> yes
<macc24> wait no
<Rathann> ah, so upstream mesa issue tracker
<Rathann> ok
<Rathann> I'm getting a lot of unhandled page faults after upgrading mesa 21.0.2 to 21.1.1
<macc24> on what gpu?
<Rathann> T860 in a Pinebook Pro
<macc24> can you try on main branch of mesa?
<Rathann> I guess I can
<Rathann> here's my downstream (Fedora) bug report for what it's worth:
<Rathann> I'll try with mesa main branch and file an issue if it occurs there as well
<macc24> if it doesn't fix it let me know and i will try to reproduce on my rk3399 machine
<Rathann> sure!
<Rathann> and thanks
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<robmur01> HdkR: RK3399 (and presumably Rk3368?) use CCI-500 to connect the two CPU clusters, but everything else is on some other NoC
<HdkR> huh
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<HdkR> Waiting for that 8 core Cortex-X2 device to replace my laptop :D
<HdkR> and 64 core to replace my desktop :)
<HdkR> Max config DSU-110 + CI-700 please
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<robmur01> nah, forget CI and DSU, you want CMN with direct-connect clusters. Big boy stuff :)
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<HdkR> Hm, you right
<HdkR> Make sure to have those X2 cores run at 4Ghz as well while we are at it :P
<Rathann> macc24: looks like it's fixed in main, I can't reproduce it anymore
<Rathann> thanks!
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<macc24> Rathann: sure no problem
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<Rathann> macc24: it's probably a89bc59980b3ea7b2f03d2994bae7dda689f637f
<Rathann> but not only, it depends on previous MRs
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<icecream95> Rathann: It was probably fe9d37b0c6e8 that fixed it, which should be in the next stable release
<Rathann> icecream95: thanks, looks exactly like my issue
<Rathann> I'll try building 21.1.1 with the patch you mentioned as it seems to apply cleanly
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<Rathann> confirmed, patch fixes the issue
<Rathann> icecream95: thanks a lot!
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<cyrozap> Has anyone done any performance microbenchmarks of Midgard/Bifrost instructions on various cores? e.g., cycles per instruction? Or is that officially documented anywhere? I ask because I recently did that for an unknown 8051 core and it was super helpful in performance-tuning some assembly. There were a lot of instructions that I thought were "simple" but ended up taking way more cycles than I thought
<cyrozap> they would. So, I figured it would be helpful to do that for these GPU cores as well, since that might help squeeze some more performance out of my Chromebook's T760 MP4.
<HdkR> I don't believe anyone has done this on Mali. There has been work on this with Nvidia GPUs though
<cyrozap> Oh, and the other benefit is that once you know the number of cycles and bytes each instruction takes, as well as the exact operations those instructions perform, you can plug them into an SMT solver to get an optimal instruction sequence for higher-level operations.
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<cyrozap> HdkR: Thanks! In that case, maybe I'll give it a try sometime.
<HdkR> Don't forget that throughput is also important
<cyrozap> Ah, right, because it's all pipelined.
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