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<q4a> - very sad news( It will be passing or leaving without the reins?
<q4a> I don't see many or active other contributors to panfrost:[]=panfrost
<HdkR> There are other contributors, it will be fine :)
<q4a> Who? Boris working on kernel parts mostly, Italo - OpenCL.
<HdkR> You nailed it
<Danct12> also icecream94 or something working on the mali-lodx port :)
<Danct12> it's a sad news tbh, she has been with us for a long time
<HdkR> c'est la vie, people move on to do other stuff
<q4a> Danct12: does mali-lodx related to OpenGL or Vulkan? I think that it's something related to OpenCL
<q4a> Looks like your hope is your problem( that makes panvk 2.0 a lot more interesting - that's from january 2023
<Danct12> q4a: it's g610
<Danct12> but the blob driver calls it "Mali-LODX" instead
<q4a> ah.. so it's not related to Mesa at all
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<daniels> q4a: there are plenty of other people working on it and there will be a lot more this year - it's been quiet lately since we've been waiting for the low-level support for rk3588 to get into a good place before we can work much on it
<daniels> 'LODx' is Odin which is the codename for G610
<q4a> daniels: `other people working on it` - who and where working? - 2 commlits: 1 from Alyssa and 1 from Boris
<robmur01> Fun fact: strictly TODx is Odin; LODx is Little Odin ;)
<daniels> q4a: italo has been doing a load of work, just mostly not yet on gen10
<daniels> robmur01: er yeah, sorry
<daniels> I always forget L vs. u
<robmur01> meh, it's only marketing, but I find it endearing :D
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<daniels> yeah, big/small is kinda cute
<HdkR> big.little GPUs? :P
<robmur01> HdkR: Optimus pls no
<HdkR> You're saying no, but all I'm hearing is developers that want a dedicated small GPU for HUD drawing since they are all becoming web based UIs :P
<Danct12> the future is electron
<HdkR> It hurts
<Danct12> the reason why everything becomes e-waste
<Danct12> even laptops from like 10 years ago can't even cope with electron apps
<Danct12> my quad a73 and dual a55 also can't even :P
<robmur01> dedicated 3D GPU for drawing 2D UI makes sense
<robmur01> for the 21st century "every application is a web browser" value of "sense", at least
<HdkR> I'm sure the xplane devs would like offloading their rendering work like that
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