alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard + Bifrost + Valhall - Logs
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<q4a> alyssa: Hi. Can you check last messages in ?
<q4a> I think that it's time to merge it or I can fix it whatever you want.
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<alyssa> I'm not the maintainer ^^
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<q4a> That's sad. You started review, ask clarifying questions, did not respond to answers and that's all?
<q4a> I don't bother you about this PR because thought that you was very busy with valhall support. But now: no valhall, no mainaines, no reviewers =)
<q4a> *valhall v10 (to be honest)
<daniels> q4a: it is still maintained, just not by Alyssa anymore - the others have been working on v10 support in particular and the public patches now run some stuff reasonably well :)
<daniels> but yeah, I guess someone (italove?) needs to pick that MR up now
<q4a> daniels: yes, I understand. Only 1 think I wish to know: are most patches are public available?
<q4a> s/think/thing/
<daniels> yes! :)
<q4a> Thanks for info - bbrezillon/linux/-/commits/pancsf - is known repo, but I don't know about bbrezillon/mesa/-/commits/panfrost/v10-wip and people from rock 5b used panfrost/mesa/-/commits/panfrost/v10-wip for tests
<q4a> all from
<daniels> ah right, I forgot about that other rogue repo
<q4a> rogue? It has last commits from Alyssa and Boris.
<daniels> heh sorry, that's en_GB idiom; not 'rogue' in the sense of 'unauthorised and/or malicious', but in the sense of 'oh, that probably shouldn't be there as a random staging tree between user repos and actual upstream Mesa'
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<q4a> if somebody interested - there is "pancsf-midstream" kernel branch for rock 5b. It's based in Boris commits, but has few changes:
<q4a> it was used to make 1st tests and here is results (not mine):
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