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<q4a> bbrezillon: can you check last 3 commits in ? It's simple merging and moving functions. I can continue doing something like that or may be you clarify which parts bother you and what you would like to see?
<q4a> Another interesting thing - how long UNUSED vars should live in code? `struct pipe_rasterizer_state *rast = &ctx->rasterizer->base;` was marked as UNUSED 1 year ago:
<q4a> Should somebody delete it?
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<bbrezillon> q4a: you mean move the declaration to the PAN_ARCH <= 8 section and drop the unused? Sure, why not.
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<q4a> Thanks, I'll move it. Another simple question: should I remove vars or add UNUSED if they are not used at all? Like dev in panfrost_emit_heap_set:
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