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<warpme> guys: i'm playing with afbc on allwinner (g31). What is easiest way to see what format was negotiated between masa and display engine?
<robclark> do you have /sys/kernel/debug/dri/*/state ? You can check the modifier of the scanout fb
<warpme> robclark : here it is Should i look on line 17?
<robclark> `modifier=0x0` == linear
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<warpme> robclark : do you know what soc has good support for afbc? i.e. isn't rk3399 (t860) with mesa 23.2.1 should negotiate afbc "by default"?
<robclark> no idea
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<daniels> rk3399 supports it with upstream kernels and Mesa, yeah
<daniels> which user space are you using?
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