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<robmur01> beware that RK3399 only supports AFBC on one of the two display engines, so it can depend on which crtc your given display pipeline ends up using
<robmur01> otherwise, Mediatek and Amlogic seem to be the only other display drivers with upstream AFBC support at the moment
<robmur01> (the Mali displays are so rare in available silicon I'm not counting them :P)
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<robmur01> ((and of course that's not to discount the newer Rockchip RK35xx SoCs either, which I believe have better AFBC support than RK3399))
<daniels> yeah, RK356[68] and 3588 do per-plane rather than per-CRTC AFBC
<daniels> though they arguably go a little bit too far, where there are some planes that _only_ support AFBC
<daniels> (either no linear at all, or linear only for RGB formats, or linear only when you're unrotated, depending on which one)
<alyssa> amazing
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<robclark> linear + rotated by 90/270 isn't great for memory access patterns, so wanting some variant of tiled for that isn't too surprising
<jernej> I'm planning to upstream Allwinner H6 AFBC support, but I'm a little unsure how to test supported features
<jernej> from vendor code it's obvious that sparse, split and ytr are supported
<jernej> but then there is something unusual, called default colour, which is supposed to be white
<jernej> is there such standard AFBC feature?
<jernej> I can enable it on HW video decoder side, which is AFBC buffer producer, but there is no explanation whatsoever
<daniels> hm, I've seen solid-colour as a feature, but not 'default' colour
<daniels> I wonder if that's what gets used to fill in edges for images which aren't fully aligned to the tile size
<jernej> are there custom extensions from SoCs designers?
<jernej> well, it can be either poorly named register bit or a custom extension
<jernej> is there a way to test solid-colour feature?
<jernej> it has T720, if that helps
<daniels> at a guess, force your decoder output to be some weird dimension (e.g. odd number of pixels wide), play around with the default-colour register, and see what the output looks like when you decode it
<daniels> oh sorry, I'm wrong, I just can't grep
<jernej> I already misprogrammed those "default colour" registers in display driver and got funky looking middle of the frame. But it looked like a solid fill.
<daniels> yeah, so it looks like if there are substantial areas of a particular colour value, you can set the per-channel default colour values, and that will allow you to save some space when you're dealing with a region that has that colour
<jernej> so that's maybe AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_SC?
<daniels> nope, SC is something else
<daniels> oh wait, /me reads further
<daniels> no, it's hard-coded per format
<jernej> annoying, not sure how to properly expose it then
<jernej> but I guess it's meant to be used only between display driver and hw video decoder
<alyssa> jernej: does t720 even support afbc?
<jernej> good question
<alyssa> daniels: solid colour blocks are a much newer afbc feature, new in bifrost IIRC, and tied to tiled AFBC mode
<alyssa> jernej: iirc t760 introduced afbc but i've paged out a lot of mali
<jernej> I'll make AFBC plane primary and then run some GLES app
<jernej> mesa should then use AFBC automatically, right?
<daniels> yep, afbc is t760+
<jernej> ok, so no point then
<jernej> but then I have newer soc with G31, where test may be sensible
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<anarsoul> daniels: can you please set +R mode on this channel?
<daniels> what does that do?
<anarsoul> R - client may join only when registered and identified to NickServ
<anarsoul> it looks like spammers are spamming in PM now
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