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<kusma> HappY: We're not supporting the DDKs kernel interface.
<kusma> I don't think you're using Panfrost. You're using Panfork, aren't you?
<CounterPillow> is there a broken matrix bridge convo going on? I can't see HappY's messages
<kusma> HappY: Then you need to ask Panfork people for help. We're the same project...
<kusma> CounterPillow: My guess is that HappY isn't registered to NickServ, and only users on Matrix can see their messages...
<CounterPillow> hm
<kusma> (or not logged in/authenticated)
<kusma> HappY: In the long term, I think what you're asking for might start working, because ARM is planning on moving to the same kernel driver as Panfrost will use for v10, Panthor.
<kusma> But as long as Android uses the DDK/kbase interface, upstream Panfrost will not work with it. We're only planning on supporting Panthor for V10 and later. I can't speak for Panfork and other hacks.
<kusma> HappY[m]: Yes, Matrix users also need to register with NickServ to be allowed to speak publicly. This is an IRC channel. You messages aren't reaching IRC:
<kusma> HappY[m]: I can't promise you that your Android device will be updated to use Panthor, though...
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