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<MasterDuke> hey hey. i asked this over in #asahi, but didn't get any replies
<MasterDuke> i've noticed a problem with heaptrack ( on ubuntu-asahi. i can install it via apt, but taking profiles with it doesn't really work. it runs and captures something, but there's always a message `Trace recursion detected - corrupt data file?` and analyzing the results always just shows all the allocations under 'unresolved function'
<MasterDuke> it behaves exactly the same when run with muvm
<tobhe[m]> interesting. haven't heard that before but i wouldn't be surprised if it made incorrect assumptions about page size etc
<tobhe[m]> weird that it is also broken with muvm though
<MasterDuke> also, `perf record` is broken (apple_avalanche_pmu/cycles/P: PMU Hardware doesn't support sampling/overflow-interrupts. Try 'perf stat') even though `perf stat` works, i wonder if it's related
<MasterDuke> my friend using fedora asahi said it (perf record) was working for him on the same hardware (13" m2 mba)
<MasterDuke> oh! the new kernel hasn't made its way to the normal repo/ppa yet, right?
<tobhe[m]> yeah, could be fixed in that
<tobhe[m]> you coukd try getting that from
<MasterDuke> hmm, i have 6.12.0-1001 according to uname, but the repo only has 6.12.0-1002.2
<MasterDuke> not that much newer. i think he has something higher than 0 for the 3rd part
<tobhe[m]> anything after 6.12 isn't really in sync across distros i think
<MasterDuke> ah. then i'll give that a try
<tobhe[m]> so 1002 really is just the next available for Ubuntu after 1001
<MasterDuke> huh. `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-asahi/build2 && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade` just gives "All packages are up to date."
<tobhe[m]> that is because the other one is pinned
<tobhe[m]> one sec
<tobhe[m]> in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-asahi.pref
<tobhe_> meh, thx matrix
<tobhe_> Package: *
<tobhe_> Pin: release o=LP-PPA-ubuntu-asahi-build2
<tobhe_> Pin-Priority: 1001
<MasterDuke> heh, now it's try to downgrade to 6.10.0-1001
<tobhe[m]> also not good
<tobhe[m]> ah because the new one is only published for plucky
<tobhe[m]> so maybe remove that pinning again and instead manually specify the version
<tobhe[m]> let me test that on mine first
<tobhe[m]> oh even easier since there is only a kernel in this ppa
<tobhe[m]> in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-asahi-ubuntu-build2-$release.sources
<tobhe[m]> you can change Suites to plucky
<tobhe[m]> and then it should work if the pinning is still in place
<tobhe[m]> this is a bit hacky but it does work in this case because the kernel ABI is stable enough
<tobhe[m]> just remember to remove it again after testing
<MasterDuke> ok, that wants to upgrade the kernel, but downgrade mesa
<tobhe[m]> not sure why it would do that. which mesa version?
<MasterDuke> doesn't say
<tobhe[m]> hm it did work here
<tobhe[m]> john-cabaj: guess we could publish that new kernel 🙂
<john-cabaj[m]> Did you try it out
<john-cabaj[m]> *
<MasterDuke> oh, i wonder if i got newer versions from the kaazoo ppa for steam
<john-cabaj[m]> I can try it again this afternoon and have it published tonight very late UTC
<MasterDuke> huh, `apt search mesa | grep installed` doesn't even show 'mesa-vulkan-drivers', yet it's one of the ones being downgraded
<MasterDuke> ah, but `apt list --installed mesa-vulkan-drivers` shows it is installed
<MasterDuke> sorry for the spam, it's been a while since i've really had to play around with apt and ppas and i'm out of practice
<MasterDuke> well, i gotta go afk for a while. i haven't actually installed any new packages yet, but i'll check the logs to see if there are any new developments
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<tobhe[m]> I did yes
<tobhe[m]> works on my machine
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