ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-asahi to: Ubuntu-Asahi development | Github: | Logs:
tobhe has joined #ubuntu-asahi
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kaazoo has joined #ubuntu-asahi
<kaazoo> Hi, do you guys have Reddit accounts? Every now and then there are Ubuntu related questions in /r/AsahiLinux where we would have a possibility to refer to Ubuntu Asahi.
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mkukri has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
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<tobhe[m]> hey, I don't unfortunately
<tobhe[m]> I think john-cabaj has been replying to some of them
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jelly has joined #ubuntu-asahi
<john-cabaj[m]> Yeah, I have to a few.
<john-cabaj[m]> But I could certainly be more active.
<tobhe[m]> I also created a space for us at some point but have been to busy to ever actually publish an announcement
f_ is now known as funderscore
<john-cabaj[m]> I made a UbuntuAsahi quasi-official acocunt
<tobhe[m]> good idea
funderscore is now known as f_
hwpplayer1 has joined #ubuntu-asahi
<nukelet> s/Asashi/Asahi? :D
<john-cabaj[m]> Ugh..
<john-cabaj[m]> Will fix later..
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<john-cabaj[m]> Ok. Should be fixed now
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SAP has joined #ubuntu-asahi
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