yesterday over in #asahi i asked about perf. it turns out a friend with fedora asahi (also on an m2 mba) confirmed for me that `perf record` work there. the fedora kernel is slighty newer, 6.12.1 instead of 6.12.0 here on ubuntu (and the perf package is the same). this isn't a $dayjob requirement for me, so i don't mind waiting, but if i want to run on the bleeding edge, is there a ppa with newer kernels?
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I'm due to prep a new kernel. I'll try to do so this week
toqu has joined #ubuntu-asahi
"<MasterDuke> so close. `Error: Steam needs to be online to update." <-- I was facing a similar issue. The output of the following command helped me to understand what's going on.
[2025-01-06T17:36:01Z DEBUG muvm::guest::net] dhcpcd output output=Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(0)), stdout: "", stderr: "dhcpcd-10.0.8 starting\nDropped protocol specifier '.link' from 'eth0.link'. Using 'eth0' (ifindex=2).\nsd_bus_open_system: No such file or directory\neth0: waiting for carrier\neth0: carrier acquired\nduid_get: cannot write duid: Permission denied\nDUID 00:03:00:01:5a:94:ef:e4:0c:ee\neth0: IAID
ef:e4:0c:ee\nipv6_readsecret: cannot write secret: Permission denied\neth0: ipv6_start: Permission denied\neth0: /var/lib/dhcpcd/eth0.lease: Permission denied\neth0: soliciting a DHCP lease\neth0: probing address\neth0: leased for infinity\ndhcp_writefile: /var/lib/dhcpcd/eth0.lease: Permission denied\neth0: adding route to\neth0: adding default route via\nDropped prot
ocol specifier '.dhcp' from 'eth0.dhcp'. Using 'eth0' (ifindex=2).\nsd_bus_open_system: No such file or directory\n" }
If you spot a string similar to 'dhcp_writefile: /var/lib/dhcpcd/eth0.lease: Permission denied' you could try to touch the /var/lib/dhcpcd/eth0.lease file on your *host* file system and grant write access for your user account. This fixed the issue for me.
this sounds familiar but I feel like this was already fixed at some point
if it is permissions it might actually be a bug in the rootfs creation
ah, good to hear, I'm still using the rootfs back from beginning of december. I'll retest with a more recent one.
works for me without creating the user writable /var/lib/dhcpcd/eth0.lease in the host fs now :)
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toqu: i see a somewhat similar permission denied error, `duid_get: cannot write duid: Permission denied` referencing neth0, but fwiw, creating a 777 /var/lib/dhcpcd/eth0.lease didn't fix it
i also see, `Failed to bind port 3334 (Address already in use) for option '-t 3334:3334,3335:3335', exiting` (both when running steam and that command you showed), don't know if that's relevant