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<eslerm[m]> installed ubuntu to a new-to-me m1 mac mini :)
<eslerm[m]> annoying that I need to use aux instead of hdmi, but oh well
<eslerm[m]> installing podman for jellyfin, I hear transcoding doesn't work well on arm64, but that's fine for me
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<kaazoo> Hi, there is a dependency problem with linux-tools-asahi-arm package:
<kaazoo> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
<kaazoo> linux-asahi-arm-tools-6.12.0-1005 : Depends: libpython3.13 (>= 3.13.0~rc3) but it is not installable
<kaazoo> On 24.04 there is only Python 3.12, not 3.13
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kaazoo has joined #ubuntu-asahi
<kaazoo> I had to install from main branch in order to get the evdi module compiled with the new kernel. Just as a note, in case anybody is using a DisplayLink adapter/docking station for external monitors.
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<kaazoo> VS Code > 1.97 is crashing. Perhaps a problem with the included chromium version? Version 1.97.2-1739406006 seems to work fine.
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<john-cabaj[m]> <kaazoo> "Hi, there is a dependency..." <- Right, still have to iron that one out across releases..
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funderscore is now known as f_
Tenkawa has joined #ubuntu-asahi
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