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<tobhe[m]> Looks like mic support for noble would mean backporting wireplumber
<tobhe[m]> I think we'll stick to >= oracular for now
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<kaazoo> Hi, I didn't look back into libkrun yet, but gave the latest mesa tag a try. Also had to build new spirv-headers, spirv-tools, wayland, wayland-protocols for Noble. I'll post something once I got mesa working.
<tobhe[m]> i got it building in the end
<tobhe[m]> but couldn't upload it because orig tarball with different content
<tobhe[m]> for now I'm trying to update everything to get us mic support
<kaazoo> still publishing
<kaazoo> What does mic support depend on?
<tobhe[m]> asahi-audio, alsa-ucm-conf-asahi, kernel and triforce
<tobhe[m]> first two are trivial because they can be synced from Debian, triforce needs the extra rust treatment and I think the kernel should also be fresh enough
<kaazoo> OK
<kaazoo> I'm still waiting for the amd64 and i386 builds of mesa. Once they work, I'll update the rootfs for FEX. Then we'll see if it works.
<tobhe[m]> not entirely sure about the kernel though, two new version have been tagged yesterday
<kaazoo> Ah, actually the rootfs is based on oracular. So I'll need to build mesa and the dependencies for that first.
<john-cabaj[m]> <tobhe[m]> "not entirely sure about the..." <- Still owe you a kernel… Will try to get one ready by EOD tomorrow.
<tobhe[m]> Should we try to help upstream the 24.10 rootfs? I noticed they still don't have one
<tobhe[m]> oops, my gnome session crashed during an upgrade to 24.10
<tobhe[m]> hope that didn't break anything 😄
<kaazoo> Yes, that is a good idea.
<kaazoo> amd64 and i386 builders seem to be super busy. arm64 was scheduled much faster.
<kaazoo> Thanks, I commented on that ticket, but the request is for generic Ubuntu 24.10. Should work if you remove the Asahi specific parts.
<tobhe[m]> lucky week. At some point in the last cycle arm64 builds wouldn't start for a few days
<tobhe[m]> I wonder if they know that they can use kisak mesa
<tobhe[m]> they do
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