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<tobhe[m]> kernel tag with mic support is not pushed to gh yet, should be 6.13.7-4
<john-cabaj[m]> Guess I’ll throw everything out and wait for the new tag
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<tobhe[m]> tag is there now
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<john-cabaj[m]> I think we'll still need to base it off the 6.12 kernel
<john-cabaj[m]> Ubuntu skipped 6.13, and when I tried getting things in order for 6.14, there were just too many differences
<john-cabaj[m]> I think I was close to the end of resolving them, but I'd rather get mics enabled than introduce a regression
<tobhe[m]> I think that's fine
<tobhe[m]> there might be problems with plucky and 6.12 but we can at least try
<ViniciusPeixoto[m]> i think asahi's gonna switch over to 6.14 once it's released so this should be temporary anyway
<tobhe[m]> right, and probably that's in time for us to make the switch before 25.04
<tobhe[m]> i have read that there are some problems with the latest asahi-audio btw. some people reporting broken speakers on fedora and debian
<john-cabaj[m]> I’ll see if I have time for both. Maybe I was close on 6.14, but I’m not going to pretend I know better than Janne
<tobhe[m]> seems reasonable