ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<emersion> PSA: wayland beta is due today
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !305 merged \o/ (ci: don't run pipelines in forks
<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Simon Ser * ci: don't run pipelines in forks .gitlab-ci.yml
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !392 opened by Maarten de Vries (de-vri-es) protocol: add compositor defined index to wl_output
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<wlb> weston Issue #906 opened by n3rdopolis (n3rdopolis) If Weston is using simpledrm, and simpledrm is replaced when Weston is inactive, Weston shows a black screen switching back to it
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<IDKmyName> hi
<wlb> wayland/main: Julian Orth * protocol: explicitly describe wl_keyboard state protocol/wayland.xml
<wlb> wayland Merge request !382 merged \o/ (protocol: explicitly disallow unpaired key events
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<wlb> wayland/main: Simon Ser * build: bump to version 1.22.92 for the beta release
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<wlb> Simon Ser * releases: add wayland 1.22.92 releases.html
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<RandomUser> динаху
<UsingMyPhoneAsAlt> сам йди
<IDKmyName> чо
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<DonAlex> Is there any update on being able to map touchscreen inputs to a specific display? It seems it detects touch events fine but applies them only to the primary display which is undesirable.
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<daniels> DonAlex: which compositor are you using?
<DonAlex> Gnome
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<daniels> DonAlex: you should be able to configure that in GNOME settings - if not please check on their Discourse or file an issue in their GitLab
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<DonAlex> @daniels, No settings in Gnome for it. And I did not see any way to do it with gsettings
<mclasen> DonAlex: you should talk to garnacho (who isn't here right now)
<DonAlex> Hmmm
<DonAlex> What timezone are they ?
<daniels> EU
<DonAlex> hmm ok
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<ids1024_> It seems `Xwayland` relies on always getting `wl_keyboard::leave` events, even when it destroys the focused surface. (The `WAYLAND_DEBUG` log for `Xwayland` in that case on `sway` shows a `leave` with a `nil` surface). Otherwise, it doesn't send key up events for keys that were pressed when the surface was destroyed, and the next focus XWayland surface sees them as held down. This
<ids1024_> particular behavior can be fixed by adding 3 lines to Xwayland, but is it correct to expect this from the server? It seems the protocol should be more specific on this.
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<ids1024_> It seems odd that a client should rely on getting a `leave` event after it has destroyed the surface, when the `surface` argument of `leave` is not nullable.
<whot> ids1024_: sounds like an xwayland bug tbh, possibly from x assumptions where you get the leave event because the server destroys the windwow for you
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<wlb> wayland Issue #465 opened by Ian Douglas Scott (ids1024) Clarify behavior of `wl_keyboard::leave`/`wl_pointer::leave` after client destroys focused surface
<ids1024_> Opened an issue. And an Xwayland MR, if it shouldn't be assuming this:
<ids1024_> I think the Wayland protocol spec could definitely be more clear, either way.
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