ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<Consolatis> I'd strictly differentiate between the compositor and the desktop environment though. In some cases a desktop environment also provides the compositor but in other cases that is not true.
<Consolatis> which btw is an issue for some specific cases like for example having an up-to-date keyboard layout indicator in a panel without having keyboard focus
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<KarenTheDorf> Is it normal for a compositor to need write access to wl_shm buffers? (I noticed kwin has a fast path if they have SEAL_SHRINK, so I thought, I know, I'll try adding SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE too, and that went boom)
<emersion> wl_shm buffers may be written to for some use-cases, e.g. screen capture
<KarenTheDorf> True, I guess I should specifically say that it's a buffer being used to back a wl_surface. So in a general case absolutely because I could use a buffer and ask the compositor to fill it with data.
<emersion> right, the problem is that the compositor doesn't know up-front what the buffer will be used for
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<emersion> so kind-of needs to assume it can be used for any usage
<KarenTheDorf> Right, that makes sense. It won't know my use case at wl_shm_pool_create_buffer time. sure, I know it will be client->server only, but the server doesn't. Thanks.
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<DonAlex> garnacho, I hear you are someone who knows how to allocate touch inputs to external monitors on Wayland?
<emersion> it depends on your compositor
<emersion> are you using GNOME, KDE, Sway, …?
<DonAlex> Well Gnome 3. so ?
<DonAlex> v46
<emersion> i think you can do it in settings
<DonAlex> I can't see anything there?
<garnacho> DonAlex: hey
<garnacho> yeah, touchscreen mapping to monitors is meant to be automagic, there's a GSetting underneath though
<garnacho> it's drawing tablets which do offer the full mapping options
<DonAlex> I mean only mouse and touchpad but that is for the laptop I know the touch inputs are detected because if I touch the external display it moved the mouse on my primary display
<garnacho> DonAlex: the mouse moving doesn't sound like a wayland session, though...
<DonAlex> So which gsetting should I look at? I am familar with using dconf
<DonAlex> Well the display is 'extended' in gnome. .but the touch movement is translated to the primary display.
<DonAlex> I mean I looked at this. But seems it is not wayland specific?
<garnacho> DonAlex: you'd need something like `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals:/org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/touchscreens/VID:PID output "['VENDOR', 'PRODUCT', 'MODEL']" `, but that blogpost does indeed explain more in detail.
<DonAlex> Yeah.. I tried that.. but it came back saying it had no schema ?
<garnacho> DonAlex: I typoed mine, but whot did not. The schema should be "org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchscreen", the first piece of info right after "gsettings set"
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<garnacho> that relocatable schema is defined at /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.gschema.xml
<DonAlex> hmm lemme check
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<DonAlex> Well it is correct as far asI can tell
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<garnacho> DonAlex: ah, in dconf-editor, nevermind that. It doesn't play well with relocatable schemas
<DonAlex> Oh?
<DonAlex> well I added it via gsettings though
<DonAlex> gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchscreen:/org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/touchscreens/27c0:0859/
<DonAlex> org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchscreen output ['XKY', 'Display', 'demoset-1']
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<garnacho> yeah, `gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchscreen:/org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/touchscreens/27c0:0859 output` should tell the truth
<garnacho> if you're sure that's the VID/PID of the touchscreen input device, it should work as far as I can see...
<DonAlex> Same key
<DonAlex> `gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchscreen:/org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/touchscreens/27c0:0859 output
<DonAlex> ['XKY', 'Display', 'demoset-1']
<DonAlex> Yup pretty sure that is correct Bus 001 Device 007: ID 27c0:0859 Cadwell Laboratories, Inc. TouchScreen
<garnacho> DonAlex: that sounds like bug territory, might also be interesting to find out why it didn't get automatically mapped to the right output.
<garnacho> I don't have an external touchscreen, but will be testing multimonitor...
<DonAlex> Well quite.. Could just be my bad luck.. But then again it is a USB powered monitor as well so maybe that confuses it ?
<kennylevinsen> garnacho: What does GNOME use as heuristic to associate the digitizer with the display panel?
<DonAlex> Well this one one is super cheap but nice.. light USB powered comes with it's own kickstand
<DonAlex> for anyone interested
<kennylevinsen> The well-known ZFTVNIE brand
<DonAlex> Is that sarcasm ? ;)
<kennylevinsen> yes, amazon drop-shippers just hammer on the keyboard to create their continously replaced throwaway brand-names
<DonAlex> Fairy nuff.
<garnacho> kennylevinsen: the most relevant for touchscreens is based on reported sizes in millimeters, from the absolute coords input device and edid. There's others through libwacom, for the devices supported there.
<DonAlex> libwacom ? Hmmmm
<garnacho> cheap brands have a tendency to blatantly lie in those, so perhaps the GSettings escape hatch is being well used here
<garnacho> DonAlex: is the device connected via a single cable? I wonder if it's sensitive to the connection order
<DonAlex> Well no. one HDMI and one USB. I can do USB video but my laptop does not support it. FWIW it does show two devices in libinput.
<garnacho> "Capabilities: pointer " in the second? interesting...
<garnacho> might be worth checking which of both devices gets triggered on touch input...
<DonAlex> Hang on just ran libinput debug-gui Will upload it so you can see the behaviour/
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<DonAlex> garnacho, Here you go. If it makes and sense. Not sure why the touchpad moves on the external display but oh well
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<DonAlex> oh that is kinda cool. Libinput shows how many fingers are touching and in what order.
<DonAlex> Anyway, lunchtime here atm. So back in about an hour
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<garnacho> DonAlex: plain text output from "libinput debug-events" might be clearer :). I forget the libinput debug-gui feedback all the time, and can't easily check on silverblue...
<garnacho> if the output lines start with "event15", that'd be the wrong device
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1515 opened by Alexandros Frantzis (afrantzis) clients/simple-egl: Allow exercising EGL_EXT_present_opaque
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<YaLTeR[m]> Is it intended when a client acks a configure dropping the resizing state but then doesn't commit, if it doesn't have anything else it wants to commit?
<YaLTeR[m]> Resulting in the toplevel kind of hanging with the resizing state for a while
<DonAlex> garnacho, Ok well here is a pastbin of that dragging a finger and touch up and down.
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<YaLTeR[m]> How do you tell if the client committed new size after a minute in response to the last configure that dropped the resizing state, or just because it decided to change size on its own?
<YaLTeR[m]> (in the former case the client should move on screen if it was a top-left resize, in the latter case the client should not move)
<emersion> acks are double-buffered
<emersion> IOW, acks have no effect until the next commit
<garnacho> DonAlex: thanks, that looks correct... perhaps it's time for a Mutter bug report
<DonAlex> Hmm ok
<YaLTeR[m]> emersion: yeah exactly, and I'm seeing Firefox and Chromium just not commit their toplevel after acking a configure that dropped the resizing state (but did not request a new size). Which means that if they commit a different size in a minute, I don't know if that's their response to the last resizing commit, or if that's an unrelated new size
<emersion> are you describing a Firefox bug then?
<jadahl> sounds like it
<YaLTeR[m]> I'm asking if that's a firefox and chromium bug, or if it's expected behavior that I should figure out a way to deal with
<jadahl> maybe thats the firefox bug
<YaLTeR[m]> This sounds like that I want from firefox/chromium here
<YaLTeR[m]> s/that/what
<jadahl> firefox uses gtk3, so maybe that gtk MR fixes the firefox issue, I dunno
<YaLTeR[m]> Electron apps also do this. So uh
<jadahl> an ozone-wayland bug then?
<YaLTeR[m]> I'm just thinking that since electron does this, I need at least some working around in the compositor because it ain't getting fixed for a while in apps
<mclasen> jadahl: should I merge that gtk3 mr ? let me know
<jadahl> mclasen: you did a month ago
<mclasen> ah, well. Just need to get a release out
<jadahl> yea
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<pq> Sounds like firefox and chromium might be sending their acks from configure event handlers instead of from the drawing path. That might be nice to fix, too.
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<kennylevinsen> relying on paint to commit is fine assuming the configure path can schedule a forced paint...
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<jadahl> kennylevinsen: on gtk3 I just scheduled an empty paint just for the commit
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<Max1> YaLTeR: regarding Chromium not committing after ack'ing a configure, can you please file a bug at and ping me about it?
<YaLTeR[m]> Hmm, alright, I'll see
<Max1> Thanks!
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<ifreund> YaLTeR[m], Max1: perhaps related
<YaLTeR[m]> idk if related to this specifically, but I did notice upon creating a new window chromium is a bit glitched out until the next configure
<Max1> There have been a few changes recently which might be related to this, it might make sense to grab the latest build from and test with that
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<YaLTeR[m]> Max (usually off on Fridays):
<YaLTeR[m]> oh that log got screwed up
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<codecolla> Hi, for brand new xdg protocol, generative IAs are no longer useful, so I drop issues here :
<codecolla> For compilation : `pkg-config --variable=wayland_scanner wayland-scanner` client-header `pkg-config wayland-protocols --variable=pkgdatadir`/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml xdg-shell-client-protocol.h
<codecolla> pkg-config wayland-protocols --variable=pkgdatadir gives nothing. Any idea why?
<bl4ckb0ne> have generative ia ever been useful?
<codecolla> Yes for what is well known, but wrongly documented...
<codecolla> I took the hole you first sent to me, I'm on this compil issue
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<codecolla> I'm jumping on tinywl as you sent to me, thx
<bl4ckb0ne> hm i do get compilation issues as well
<codecolla> same?
<bl4ckb0ne> shell escape and missing dep
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<codecolla> In both cases /stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml might be missing ls: cannot access '/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml': No such file or directory
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<bl4ckb0ne> did you replace the `pkgXXX` with $(shell pkgXXX)` like tinywl does
<codecolla> Ho, once again WAYLAND_PROTOCOLS=$(shell pkg-config --variable=pkgdatadir wayland-protocols) is void
<codecolla> pkg-config --variable=pkgdatadir wayland-protocols gives nothing in shell
<vyivel> do you have wayland-protocols installed
<bl4ckb0ne> do you have the wayland-protocols installed
<vyivel> lel
<bl4ckb0ne> kek vyivel
<codecolla> Im checking
<codecolla> Only wayland-protocols-devel.noarch on dnf, that's it?
<bl4ckb0ne> i think so
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<codecolla> Thx, one step ahead, I now have fatal error: wlr/backend.h: No such file or directory but I'm gonna switch back to opengl-cube
<wlb> weston Merge request !1516 opened by Jonas Ådahl (jadahl) terminal: Avoid too large character grid when resized [Clients]
<bl4ckb0ne> thats a wlroots file
<bl4ckb0ne> you dont need it for clients
<codecolla> I face other issues on the wayland_egl : undefined reference to symbol 'sqrtf@@GLIBC_2.2.5
<vyivel> add -lm somewhere in Makefile
<codecolla> yeah
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<codecolla> CGLM_FLAGS = `pkg-config cglm --cflags --libs` -lm worked
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