ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<makro> don't get it. current values are EVDEV_ABS_00=0:4096:16 and EVDEV_ABS_01=0:4096:16 - 4096 is plausible for touchscreen (libinput record shows ABS_X/ABS_Y as 3878 3975 with stylos in lower right corner). the 16 should be the resolution, shouldn't it?
<makro> Giving up for today. libbinput version is 1.25.0 - I'll keep sitting here - maybesomeone could give me some pointer on hoiw to continue debugging. As libinput list-devices skips the touchpaf dor missing resolution, I'm not able to calibrate / use it. Resolution should be specified in 60-evdev.hwdb as shown above. even then I don't understand how the units/mm relate to touchscreen x/y and screen resolution, there ist
<makro> some value present, so the device should not be skipped?
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<makro> maybe its related to this line: # Fujitsu Component - USB Touch Panel evdev:input:b0003v0430p0530* - I can't match that to the device string shown in dmesg oder udevadm info
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<soreau> makro: this is the channel for libinput too (see the /topic), so you're in the right place at least
<soreau> the person that probably knows best is whot, and they're joined here
<soreau> so you can wait here or you can file an issue on libinput gitlab, or do both
<makro> Perfect! I'd prefer to wait, mostly it's me missingf something
<makro> and tnx for pointing out the topic :-)
<soreau> np, hopefully you can get it sorted
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<makro> maybe, filing an issue is the better way. I'm not at all into libinput, but if it makes more or less sense what I did - maybe the issue will have moire structure than the lines above... I case I missed something basic, the issue may be closes quick...
<soreau> makro: plus, filing an issue means if you're not present here or it takes awhile for anyone to reply, you'll get an email when they do reply to the issue
<soreau> and sometimes, gathering all info for a report helps realize things
<makro> right. Also: Asking here, is for not being very certain of what I'm doing - and a bit lazyness. I'll file an issue. Thank you for pointing me to gitlab/freedesktop/libinput :-)
<soreau> 👍
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<makro> #1044
<makro> In the hope, that i did not miss anything substancial
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<soreau> makro: another thing you might do is google about your issue or even look through some of the existing issues (that might even be closed) in case someone had the same problem and found a solution
<soreau> the reason I mention google is because sometimes google search is better than the gitlab search utility :P
<makro> google led me this far in analyzing the problem. /me is looking into olter issues
<makro> Ha! It works... Don't know exactly which action made it work, though. Did several systend-hwdb update's and reboots, changing in 60-evdev.hwdb. Revertet that file to original: It works.
<soreau> :-)
<makro> The system should be in original state, like i revertet all changes. So reason unconclusional - result satisfactory
<soreau> don't forget to post the solutino to your gitlab issue ;)
<soreau> solution*
<ericonr> makro: your package manager can probably check for any leftover altered files
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<makro> that'll be dpkg / apt
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1635 opened by () backend-drm: power off during hotplug disconnect
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !356 opened by () ext-ei-region-mapper-v1: Add new protocol
<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #226 opened by () No ability to center PYQT6 window on screen
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<wlb> weston Issue #963 closed \o/ (Video playback flickers & freezes when dragged on another video playing
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<wlb> weston Issue #961 closed \o/ (weston-9 crash on page_flip_handler when system suspend/resume
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<Guest7098> Hi, I've just moved to linux and became aquainted with the wayland system through a bug it was causing with Zoom. I fixed the problem by using x11 and changing my graphic driver.
<Guest7098> So, it's from my understanding this is the direction that ubuntu is going and that this is some of the issues it running into. I was wondering who would I report this bug to?
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<MrCooper> "Pastebin deleted", most likely to Zoom though
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<karolherbst> ohh.. I remember something with zoom.. let me dig that up
<karolherbst> Guest7098: if it's about screen sharing, this might help:
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<Guest7098> oh ty!
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