ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<geemili> I just created a pure Zig Wayland library. Still very alpha, but it should be usable:
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<zubzub> ramblurr: if you need anything from me to publish the project or whatnot, just let me know, it's been a while since I worked on that :)
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<ifreund> geemili: nice!
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<bluetail> I have tried a couple of colorpickers on wayland sway and only hyprpickr did work (with proper precision). I need to be compliant with color contrast. Unfortunately, this means I am running a VM to run Is there anything that does this in comparable quality, or is this just because we lack proper tooling
<bluetail> on Wayland?
<kennylevinsen> what's wrong wth hyprpickr
<bluetail> Hyprpickr does work but it's nothing like a proper Colour Contrast Analyser. So it would have to be integrated and it's a bit of work to be done. I am complaining about that I had to try so many and only one worked.
<bluetail> If you wanted to improve hyprpicker, you would require to integrate keyboard movement within the preview because selecting the exact pixel with the mouse is a nuisance sometimes.
<kennylevinsen> hyprpickr working makes it clear that everything needed for such a thing to work is already there, so it's "just" a matter of someone wanting to write a dedicated color contrast tool
<kennylevinsen> after all, a color picker is just a thing that takes a screenshot and lets you inspect color values within it. That's what hyprpickr is doing.
<bluetail> Correct. About CCA from TPGi : There was a time where specific versions were required at work. That is no longer the case. I do wonder if they have a secret sauce to determine the result. I hope they do not. In any case, it really should be doable. I have some knowledge gaps in "Lightness" however. Stuff that would be really great is "give next
<bluetail> color that fulfills success criteria of AA or AAA level"
<kennylevinsen> in floating point colors, there are infinite colors that live up to the contrast criteria. Limited to 24-bit colors, there's still quite a few: I don't know how they defined their contrast test, but you just need the distance between two colors in the color space to be large enough
<kennylevinsen> so not sure how you'd give a single "next color"
<kennylevinsen> but if you tell it your color scheme, it could probably have it give you "*an* acceptable background color close-ish to my color scheme"
<kennylevinsen> if it's only allowed to tune luminosity of the same color then it would be easy enough though
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #218 opened by () protocol request: Analog keyboard
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<Wulf> Hello.
<Wulf> I've got a framework-laptop running debian unstable. An external monitor is connected from the USB-C port on my laptop to the monitor's mDP port. When I switch the monitor off/on or change its input, it's not detected unless I plugout/in the cable. Is there any command to rescan for monitors or any way to debug this issue and fix it for good?
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<ramblurr> zubzub: thanks! at some point i'll want to publish to maven central, but not yet
<ramblurr> could someone clarify what all the variations of wl_marshal_* are for and when they should be used? It seems like they aren't all actually needed, though wayland-scanner uses different ones
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<ecraven> hello ;)
<ecraven> how do I talk to "wayland"? in x11, I can open a unix domain socket and send binary packages over that. does wayland work the same way?
<soreau> wayland compositors communicate over a unix domain socket, yes
<soreau> you can see the traffic by running WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 wayland-app from a wayland compositor
<ecraven> is there a way to run a wayland compositor "inside" my X11, to play around with? like Xnest or Xephyr?
<emersion> many wayland compositors support running inside X11
<ecraven> without "taking over"?
<emersion> as an X11 window
<ecraven> perfect, thank you!
<ecraven> any recommendations on *which* to try?
<kennylevinsen> depends on taste - sway has excellent nested support, weston also has it
<ecraven> thanks, I'll try one of these then!
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<vnd> daniels: --use-pixman didn't help, but the problem turned out to be somehow caused by browser startup timing
<vnd> starting browser at the same moment as in the previous yocto release resulted in invisible browser window (but logs look good) and broken weston-screenshooter
<vnd> starting browser 5 seconds later somehow helped ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<tkna> Hi, A simple question: is it possible in principle to get the text of an application window in Wayland if you have root privileges? This is a question that came to mind thinking about how possible it is for a screen reader to support Wayland.
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<soreau> that sounds like a job for something like gtk's atk
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<mclasen> tkna: look for the newton prototype
<tkna> soreau, mclasen: I see, is there a lot of development going on? I will look into it. Thanks kindly.
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<tkna> mclasen: It's nice. I'm looking forward to the future. Thanks!
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<bl4ckb0ne> colinmarc: what about trigger as axis, and button/pressure merged into one
<bl4ckb0ne> regular buttons can do 0 and 1, and pressure sensitive can do a value between 0 and 1
<colinmarc> so one enum for axis, and one enum for button/pressure?
<colinmarc> that makes sense to me
<colinmarc> we just have to specify that the button event is required, but the pressure event is optional
<colinmarc> hm except, triggers are pressure-sensitive buttons in this scheme?
<bl4ckb0ne> hm yeah
<colinmarc> I would just have a third enum for triggers, honestly. it's more explicit
<bl4ckb0ne> wdym
<colinmarc> a trigger event, and a trigger_source enum
<colinmarc> treat it differently from pressure-sensitive buttons. because most clients care about triggers, so they'll implement that event - but most don't care about pressure-sensitive buttons, so they can ignore that event entirely
<bl4ckb0ne> I think id keep it as axis like sdl does
<colinmarc> ok, so triggers and sticks are axes, that's one enum, and button/pressure has a separate source enum?
<colinmarc> do we document that triggers only go from 0 to 1 instead of -1 to 1?
<bl4ckb0ne> i think so, SDL does t hat
<colinmarc> cool 👍️
<bl4ckb0ne> huh, SDL3 went with `gamepad`
<bl4ckb0ne> nice, they moved a/b/x/y to n/s/e/w
<colinmarc> bl4ckb0ne: lol well, it is easier to type
<colinmarc> also the word is less overloaded
* bl4ckb0ne makes vim roar
<colinmarc> btw, would sdl3 (wayland backend) be a good client/
<colinmarc> s///?/
<bl4ckb0ne> possibly, I know they have their own stuff with HID, convincing them to move a baked in WL solution might be hard, especially if we don't have rumble yet
<bl4ckb0ne> but as a draft somewhere, definitely
* soreau gives bl4ckb0ne forceful feedback
<soreau> what if you made a drop-in replacement sw wl_js0 node, so that apps expecting a real node could use to get events only when the app has js focus
<colinmarc> btw, you have magic mirror listed as a client, but it's actually a compositor in this case :) also, you should probably update the description in general, because right now it talks about openxr
<soreau> womp womp :P
<bl4ckb0ne> first draft was loosely based on openxr
<bl4ckb0ne> alright, ext-gamepad it is
<bl4ckb0ne> hm wait no, wp makes more sense
<colinmarc> would be a good candidate for the new experimental thing
<colinmarc> but that's not merged yet I guess
<bl4ckb0ne> yep
<bl4ckb0ne> alright, 3rd iteration on the name
<colinmarc> wanted to do a godot impl, right?
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<DemiMarie> Would a rootless Wayland compositor be useful for RDP?
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