ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<unrealapex> hello
<unrealapex> is there similar programs wayland users use like startx to start a wayland compositor with applications like xinitrc?
<soreau> Typically in wayland, the compositor starts the apps. A start up script for wayland might include setting environment variables and such before starting the compositor
<unrealapex> that's interesting, i guess i would need to configure that for dwl
<unrealapex> this is my second day trying out wayland, is there anything else useful you think i should know that differs from xorg?
<soreau> in X, the display server is X and it interfaces with a window manager in most cases. In wayland, the compositor is the display server and window manager in one process
<unrealapex> wlroots, hyperland, etc... are all implementations of the wayland protocol correct?
<soreau> that's not technically correct, libwayland is an implementation of the wayland core protocol and allows for other custom protocols to be used, but yes, wlroots uses wayland
<unrealapex> so wayland compositors all build on top of libwayland?
<soreau> loosely speaking, yes
<soreau> not sure what smithay does with rust..
<danie1dg> they're all implementations of wayland servers
<unrealapex> i forgot there's documentation, for wayland on the freedesktop website, my appologies for not checking that before hand :(
<soreau> yes, what danie1dg said is more accurate
danie1dg is now known as danieldg
<unrealapex> ah i see
<danieldg> smithay implements the wayland protocol itself, but can interface with at least libwayland-client so that it can use vulkan (or other GPU libraries) that depend on it
<soreau> yea, so that's one of the oddballs
<soreau> I also seem to recall arcan or somesuch?
<unrealapex> what wms do you two use?
<danieldg> technically there's no reason you can't just speak the wayland protocol yourself, just like you can speak HTTP yourself instead of using libcurl
<soreau> unrealapex: I use wayfire
<unrealapex> i'm guessing smithay is just the building blocks for anyone who wants to write a rust wayland compositor?
<danieldg> but if you wnat to use the GPU you'll usually end up having it do that for you
<soreau> yes
<unrealapex> it has some interesting animations
<danieldg> I use sway because I don't care about animations
<unrealapex> what terminal emulator do you use?
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<soreau> many people use wayfire and just turn off all the candy effects
<soreau> it has plugins so you just don't load what you don't want
<soreau> but I can't say I haven't written a few animations for wayfire myself :)
<unrealapex> danieldg: what makes sway special?
<soreau> unrealapex: I use any terminal emulator that works
<soreau> sway is special because it's catered to by the wlroots devs
<danieldg> unrealapex: tiling
<soreau> wlroots and sway have the same core group of developers
<soreau> so it works with latest wlroots and in theory, it's more stable
<soreau> and FWIW, wayfire has a tiling plugin
<soreau> it's certainly not sway tiling caps though
<danieldg> at the moment it's inertia too, I have scripts to rearrange windows and so forth that I'd need to rewrite if I switched compositors
<soreau> yea, that's the trick - wayland compsitors are kinda like X wm's, they each have their own strengths, weaknesses and ways of doing things
<unrealapex> danieldg: oh it's basically i3
<unrealapex> soreau: i'm searching for something akin to st, are there any wayland terminal emulators like it?
<soreau> I'm not familiar with 'st'
<danieldg> I use alacritty, some people like foot, some like kitty
<soreau> you can also run x11 apps in wayland using xwayland
<soreau> so maybe 'st' will justwork
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !357 opened by () ext-ei-session-v1: Add new protocol
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !358 opened by () build: Raise required wayland-scanner version to 1.23.0
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<davidre> Why are people arguing so heated in the wine shell issue without there being any details at all what it could possibly contain
<davidre> Is tit some plane to prove people right about wayland-protocols?
<davidre> See we can even argue about nothing
<ofourdan> hehe
<MrCooper> doesn't seem all that heated so far
<davidre> to me it read very invested by some
<ofourdan> my take is that it could potentially allow for things that Wayland has tried to avoid so far, and that makes people nervous.
<davidre> That's the thing I have no idea what it would be?
<feaneron> wine shell issue?
<davidre> To me the issue is: I heard wine devs say this would be needed
<davidre> "but no idea on detaisl"
<MrCooper> it does have a certain "add things through the back door which were left out on purpose" vibe
<davidre> For me I would be interested to hear first whhich pain points they have
<ofourdan> I suspect things like global coordonates, the win32 API has that, so if someone wants to be able to emulate win32 on Wayland (without using X11/Xwayland), it will likely be needed…
<davidre> if the issue is "wine needs to make setWindowPosition(x, y) from win api work" there oculd be arguing that it would maybe not needed as so far all other toolkits also get away with that not working
<davidre> i.e. emulation is good enough even if you cant place a window on a certain position on screen
<davidre> compared to if you dont implement "drawButton"
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<MrCooper> completely agree, unfortunately some can't seem to accept anything short of 100% compatibility (the fact that's probably unrealistic anyway notwithstanding)
<davidre> gamescope wanting to know the win32 window type is something probably less controversial
<davidre> and similar how the compositor has for example access to x window type (by it being a x window manager) to allow for better window managment
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<davidre> But at this point there is no info on which direction the idea went
<daniels> wine people are going to look at it and provide some useful direction at some point
<davidre> I was just surprised that people did not wait for that before discussion went that direction :)
<feaneron> win32 window type maps to some well known concept already?
<davidre> *microsoft documentation
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<ofourdan> that recurring quetion about global coordinates in Wayland, that reminds me of something a manager in a previous job use to joke with, "tell me what you want, and I'll tell you how to do without it"…
<ofourdan> (that's meant a a joke, before anyone goes ballistic on me… ^_~)
<davidre> I know it as X Y Problem
<davidre> Asking about X when you do want to achieve Y
<mclasen> ofourdan: if only it was funny :/
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<DemiMarie> David Redondo: If I made a mistake in filing the issue without knowing details, just tell me.
<daniels> it just needs to stay something with good signal, rather than a complete cesspool of 'well I have no idea what this is about or why but I sure do have opinions'
<MrCooper> davidre: "X Y Problem" is eerily fitting for global coordinates :)
<daniels> Wayland banned Z as a security issue
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<bluetail> no Z coordinate?
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