ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<karenw> Can you have multiple pointers or keyboards (from multiple wl_seats) focusing the same window?
<FreeFull> I believe you can
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<karenw> Good good, not too difficult to make Window.Focus a set instead of a singleton per-window.
<karenw> Window needing to be able to access cursors to change them breaks the otherwise neat seperation between 'window' and 'seat' I have. But api bends to the needs of reality, not the other way around.
<kode54> DemiMarie: yes, input events exactly over Xwayland windows. Easily observed with XEyes
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<karenw> Oh yeah, xeyes is super cursed on (x)wayland
<karenw> I assume a 'wleyes' is impossible without compositor-specific protocol?
<emersion> correct
* soreau mumbles something about pointer-lock
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<karenw> So. wl_cursor vs wl_shape gives me different sized cursors. What's the correct size to pass to wl_cursor other than "Try XCURSOR_SIZE in the environment, then guess just 24 arbitarily"
<karenw> *wp_cursor_shape
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<DemiMarie> emersion: Would creating a fullscreen transparent X11 window be a reasonable workaround?
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<DemiMarie> These are legacy GTK3 applications, and they will eventually be replaced with something using layer-shell but that will take quite a while because the new UX will be completely different.
<soreau> DemiMarie: if you do the fs transparent thing, you'd probably want to propagate the click to the surface beneath the transparent surface
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<DemiMarie> soreau: why is that?
<soreau> because I expect that the transparent surface would need to 'accept' the click and the user would expect whatever they clicked on (like a wl surface) to be clicked on where they clicked (beneath the transparent surface)
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<soreau> as opposed to needing to click twice
<soreau> the other thing it might break is surface-focus-follows-mouse
<soreau> I'd probably just try to make it so pointer leave event closes the menu
<soreau> but you might consider searching for or filing an issue, this is likely a problem in many compositors
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<MrCooper> DemiMarie: because Xwayland is mostly a normal Wayland client and receives input only through its Wayland surfaces
<DemiMarie> MrCooper: Should there be a special protocol that allows Xwayland to grab the mouse, as there already is for the keyboard?
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<davidre> xwayland has code to use pointer locks but I dont know what on the X side triggers it
<ofourdan> Such a protocl would be trivial, but unlikely to be accepted/adopted
<ofourdan> (pointer locks is something different and disabled as soon as pointer focus is lost anyway)
<DemiMarie> MrCooper: This causes bugs for OpenJDK too :(
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<DemiMarie> Generally anything involving X11 popups will be affected.
<DemiMarie> Is there anything that compositors could do to improve the situation?
<ofourdan> I don't think there's anything the compositor (nor Xwayland) can do without a dedicated protocol
<DemiMarie> Would such a dedicated protocol be usable?
<DemiMarie> And is it a good idea?
<ofourdan> usable, that would be the purpose, a good idea, depends who you ask I presume, I think not really
<DemiMarie> why?
<DemiMarie> worth noting that the UX person at my company considered this to be a (rather serious) bug
<ofourdan> because for many, Wayland not having active device grabs is a feature, so adding such a protocol would be a regression in tha regard.
<ofourdan> that's why I say it depends who you ask, everyone has the right to have an opinion ;-)
<ofourdan> fwiw, in mutter/GNOME SHell the keyboard grab protocol support is limited exclusively to Xwayland and is disabled by default, and enabled on a per X11 app basis using a mechanism of allow/deny lists.
<ofourdan> the only reason I added the keyboard grabs was to fix a blocking bug with some X11 app, thypically O-R windows issuing a keyboard grab to read a password
<ofourdan> *typically
<ofourdan> (as O-R windows should not get input focus from the X11 WM, and without active device grabs these would not work at all under Xwayland)
<ofourdan> I don't think the lack of pointer grabs is actually blocking or preventing an application from working entirely.
<ofourdan> it has some unpleasant side effects, like popup menus in Motif apps for example which remain on screen when clicking outside of the window, but that's not blocking.
<ofourdan> and, as you said, device grabs work between X11 apps in Xwayland, just not with Wayland native ones.
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<DemiMarie> Unfortunately for Qubes OS users, three of these applications are ones users use all the time. One is used for updates, another for system management and another for device management.
<davidre> Could you port them to not be wayland apps?
<davidre> *not be x11 apps
<davidre> and wayland instead
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<MrCooper> indeed, since you mentioned GTK3, which has a Wayland backend
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<davidre> afaiu these would be trusted in qubes so wayland should be allowed for them?
<MrCooper> FWIW, if any new protocol, I'd prefer a narrow one specifically for this use case (e.g. just give Xwayland the information that the user clicked somewhere outside of its surfaces), not a broad one like "pass all mouse input to Xwayland all the time"
<DemiMarie> David Redondo: the technical problem is that Wayland doesn't support absolute window position which is a requirement here
<DemiMarie> these are popup menus that appear when the user clicks on a tray icon
<davidre> Is that using StatusNotifier?
<DemiMarie> Right now it uses XEmbed but that is the easy part to change. The hard part is that the menus are far too complex for dbusmenu to be viable.
<davidre> Ok that would have been my next question^^
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<MrCooper> DemiMarie: beware of the X Y problem, your question was assuming one specific solution for the issue
<DemiMarie> MrCooper: the underlying problem being solved is "how do I keep the current UX without being stuck with the deprecated X11 session in KDE"
<DemiMarie> replacing the UI with something more Wayland-friendly will take a year
<MrCooper> right, and there's a few steps before we get to "Xwayland needs to receive all mouse input all the time"
<ofourdan> ^_~
<davidre> Demi: Hack idea, on StatusNotifierItem.ShowMenu(int x, inty) map a transparent surface the size of the screen and draw your menu at x, y
<DemiMarie> David Redondo: I like that. I guess that would be combined with telling GTK to not draw decorations and telling the compositor to not draw any either?
<ofourdan> wasn't there something about fullscreen transparent surfaces denined input events as a security measure ot something? Ot did I make that up…
<DemiMarie> David Redondo: will that be off by the size of the titlebar?
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<davidre> I have no experience in gtk so I cannot tell but KWin will not draw decorations if you dont create xdg-decoration-object
<davidre> Which titlebar?
<DemiMarie> Big bar drawn across top/bottom of screen.
<DemiMarie> Not sure what its formal name is
<davidre> I cannot tell right now
<davidre> Just had the idea when I saw these x, y arguments in the method, which probably are usefull on x11
<davidre> not sure if those produce any good value on wayland
<DemiMarie> David Redondo: thanks for the help
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<davidre> Demi: I checked the coordinates and they seem to be the actual coordinates with a bottom panel
<DemiMarie> David Redondo: thanks!
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1652 opened by () backend-drm: Add support for YUV plane color properties [Colour management], [DRM/KMS backend]
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