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<pavlushka> facing choppy video playback playing youtube video on wayland/swaywm
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<bluetail> pavlushka what gpu
<pavlushka> bluetail: on intel i5 3200, sandy bridge, built in graphics
<bluetail> I had that too with xorg. Turned out youtube used too much performance
<soreau> I'd try a different compositor/browser and then upgrade mesa, wlroots and the compositor
<soreau> I think you can dumb down the resolution of youtube videos with some youtube web interface setting?
<soreau> btw, does it happen with direct scanout fullscreen?
<soreau> here if I try youtube with 4k, it stutters and 8k only get one frame, but 1920x1080 seems ok
<soreau> on a similarish cpu
<pavlushka> soreau: yeah, looks like its a resource issue, medium resolution play fine even in on fullscreen mode
<pavlushka> *plays
<pavlushka> soreau: but had not to experience that on xorg even on high res videos
<pavlushka> soreau: sway/wayland performs better on almost all other apps except video palyback
<pavlushka> soreau: so I switched back to Xorg but back again to run android emulators specially
<bluetail> /dev/video capture cards were vastly faster on wayland. Does that count as video playback?
<pavlushka> soreau: looks like a qemu vm is an easier solution than these hassles
<bluetail> pavlushka but do you even run it in native wayland?
<pavlushka> bluetail: wayland is a new horizon aka compositor integrated graphics system with security features, not complaining actually about it
<pavlushka> bluetail: I'm on sway interacting with you
<pavlushka> and trying to see youtube video as a comparison
<pavlushka> bluetail: new graphics system focused on new devices
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<bluetail> so your browser runs on native wayland instead of xwayland?
<bluetail> is hardware acceleration on or off? is it firefox? is it chrome?
<pavlushka> bluetail: firefox fork
<bluetail> if it's a fork I assume it's already non-standard
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<pavlushka> bluetail: good point
<soreau> pavlushka: you might check your firefox settings indeed, about:config and search for gpu or video or something..
<soreau> but I am trying about:cofig right now and can't type in the search field
<pavlushka> soreau: lol, I can
<soreau> oh it works now after I refreshed it
<soreau> gpu, gfx, accel, video
<soreau> make sure it's using wayland native and acceleration
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<soreau> I guess it's possible that sway optimizes (too much) and X doesn't (as much)
<pavlushka> soreau: checked all the wayland options, lets see
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<soreau> pavlushka: you can also try enabling vaapi and turning on vsync
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<soreau> but on an older machine, you can only process so much :P
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<pavlushka> soreau: yeah, and may be vaapi helped
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<soreau> I disagree!
<soreau> if you're having an issue with wayland, you can just say what it is.. no reason to get excited
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<Doge> soreau: okay well, How can I add keyboard layout?
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