ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<MrCooper> if the client attaches & commits a wl_buffer and then destroys it before processing the release event, can libwayland-client call the release event callback for that buffer?
<ManMower> I want to say no
<ManMower> but I also want to paste as the authoritative answer (the section "The boogeyman")
<ManMower> however, I appear to be answering the question "*should* libwayland-client call the relase event"...
<emersion> libwayland is just generated code in this regard
<emersion> i'd rather not add special cases
<emersion> (on top of that, would be a breaking change, wouldn't allow distinguishing between the two cases)
<emersion> etc etc
<ManMower> I didn't see a request for change, is that conversation taking place somewhere else?
<ManMower> I thought we were just talking about current behaviour
<emersion> my understanding is that MrCooper is suggesting a change
<ManMower> ah
<ManMower> well, I'm on team emersion for this one if we need to pick sides. definitely not a fan of trying to special case a thing in a way that's a change from how it's always been
<MrCooper> nope, I'm just asking
<ManMower> phew :D
<emersion> if you're asking what the current behavior is, the answer is that it doesn't
<MrCooper> thanks for confirming
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !447 opened by () protocol: Clarify wl_buffer.release description
<MrCooper> this is what I'm getting at
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #237 opened by () Proposal: Gamma control Protocol
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