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<kusma> Does anyone have any impressive screenshots of Zink from master that I can use for a blog-post? I tried Tomb Raider, but things go horribly wrong and we both mess up ANV's timeline stuff as well as running out of memory, it seems ;)
<zmike> doesn't that require 4.6 compat anyway?
<zmike> why not try something like hl2 or portal? I think those maybe only require 3.3
<kusma> The game seems to start for me, but sure, I can try something else.
<zmike> tomb raider you're gonna have a bad time with unless you've got a suballocator
<zmike> no way around that really
<kusma> I don't care about perf, but I guess we might end up with crapping all over memory without as well?
<zmike> yes
<zmike> it's a 32bit game
<kusma> Yeah, I noticed :P
<zmike> then probably you should've expected oom issues too
<kusma> Well, pretty much anything steam is 32-bit :/
<zmike> reduced address space is hard
<zmike> I'm not sure what you're really going to find in the way of "impressive" given that people already expect zink to be able to run most things
<zmike> just pick a nice looking screenshot and go imo
<jekstrand> Just take a screenshot with iris and then write an article. (-:
<zmike> who even uses iris anymore
<zmike> everyone uses crocus now
<jekstrand> :P
<kusma> jekstrand: I've seriously been considering just faking it, yeah ;)
<zmike> "how can I get my icl chip to run crocus?"
* jekstrand doesn't actually recommend that
<zmike> only a matter of time
<jekstrand> zmike: No! :P
<zmike> it's going to happen
<jekstrand> If someone wanted to make crocus support BDW, I'd be very happy about that
<zmike> "Intel engineer Jason Ekstrand makes impassioned plea to open source driver developer community for BDW support in Gallium3D Crocus driver"
<jekstrand> impassioned, eh?
<zmike> that's headline speak for "wrote a comment suggesting it's possible"
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<kusma> (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
<kusma> Friggin' Steam!
<jekstrand> right
<kusma> "Failed to load the launcher", such a helpful message!
<zmike> bnieuwenhuizen is an expert on steam debugging
<bnieuwenhuizen> uh oh
<kusma> I've gotten "further", missing xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers in, then after hacking away the code that uses that, missing _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE4findEcj...
<kusma> Use C++ in the drivers, they said. It's going to work, they said.
<zmike> ...what are you even doing
<kusma> zmike: Trying to run Half-Life 2 on Zink
<zmike> 🤔
<zmike> you can't just run steam and go?
<kusma> zmike: You mean running the whole steam UI using zink? It doesn't seem to use Zink for child processes AFAICT...
<zmike> uhhh
<zmike> maybe you need 46compat for that?
<zmike> it works for me
<kusma> "cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life\ 2/ && LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/kusma/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/:/home/kusma/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life 2/bin/" zink32-run ./hl2_linux"
<zmike> uhhhhhh wat
<zmike> just run steam normally
<zmike> and it'll run with zink
<kusma> (where zink32-run is my script that sets up LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc)
<kusma> That doesn't work for me.
<zmike> 🤔
<zmike> huh
<zmike> I'd guess it's compat context then
<zmike> I've been holding off enabling that until more stuff lands to avoid getting flooded with reports for stuff I've already fixed
<kusma> Hmm, now it said "Proceessing Vulkan Shaders" before running...
<kusma> How do I figure out what the renderer is from within the game?
<zmike> I think hl2 is just GL right now
<zmike> you can disable shader preload in steam ui
<zmike> maybe ping JoshuaAshton on that
<kusma> The window says "HALF-LIFE 2 - OpenGL", so not sure what that Vulkan Shaders thing is about
<zmike> I think it just always does it if you haven't disabled preload
<zmike> yea loads fine for me through steam on zink-wip, so I'd guess it's compat context missing for you if it doesn't work there
<kusma> The game loads, but I can't see any indication of it using Zink... How do you verify that? :P
<kusma> It's a bit too smooth for this being Zink, I think :P
<zmike> zink-wip helpfully spams printfs to let me know
<zmike> so I just watch stdout
<kusma> Where does those printfs end up? Steam detatches from the terminal here
<zmike> just normal stdout
<zmike> I run it over ssh
<zmike> otherwise you could check /proc maps
<zmike> or gdb attach and 'info sharedlibraries'
<zmike> I'd be surprised if it wasn't super smooth
<zmike> hl2 not exactly pushing the limits of gpus anymore
<kusma> Nah, it's using iris: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/
<kusma> Also loading the wrong libGL
<zmike> > writing a blog post: 30 mins
<zmike> > taking a screenshot: 8 hours
<kusma> Yep
<kusma> OK, seems steam was running in the background when I started it... Now I'm getting a very black UI ;)
<kusma> Ah, there we go!
<jekstrand> Progress!
<kusma> Now it was also slow, which makes sense because I'm using a debug-build ;)
<kusma> zmike: Thanks for the help :)
<zmike> I did something \o/
<kusma> Sadly, HL2 on main fails to start. Seems to be dead waiting for ANV to download some image from the GPU...
<kusma> Start the game, I mean. The menu works fine.
<kusma> Inside zink_screen_timeline_wait, actually
<zmike> oof
<zmike> guess that'll have to keep waiting until my queue refactor lands
<kusma> Disabling timelines makes things work again
<kusma> I got my screenshots :)
<kusma> And in the mean time, I learned that the way I've been using steam + custom drivers has been wrong all along!
<zmike> it's tricky to get right
<kusma> Turns out, "zink32-run steam steam://rungameid/220" works fine (using my normal wrapper), as long as I've killed steam first
<zmike> sounds right
<zmike> or at least it's how I do it
<kusma> Thanks again for the hand-holding :)
<zmike> 👍
* zmike scrolls to the screenshot
<kusma> Yeah, that's the most exciting part! About 3 seconds into the game ;)
<zmike> oh
<zmike> kusma: I had this one already that you could've reused
<zmike> I forgot about it
<zmike> clearly identifiable as zink by the random green rectangle near the center
<kusma> That would have been neat, but I guess this way is also OK ;)
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<xperia64> Trying an old 32-bit immediate-mode game in wine
<xperia64> it's working, although all the geometry is flickering a lot. This may be due to a couple bugs in the game where it has an extra glEnd, and calls glLineWidth(-1). Let me patch those out...
<xperia64> eh, I guess the flickering is something else
<xperia64> this game uses really bad opengl