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Does anyone have any impressive screenshots of Zink from master that I can use for a blog-post? I tried Tomb Raider, but things go horribly wrong and we both mess up ANV's timeline stuff as well as running out of memory, it seems ;)
doesn't that require 4.6 compat anyway?
why not try something like hl2 or portal? I think those maybe only require 3.3
The game seems to start for me, but sure, I can try something else.
tomb raider you're gonna have a bad time with unless you've got a suballocator
no way around that really
I don't care about perf, but I guess we might end up with crapping all over memory without as well?
it's a 32bit game
Yeah, I noticed :P
then probably you should've expected oom issues too
Well, pretty much anything steam is 32-bit :/
reduced address space is hard
I'm not sure what you're really going to find in the way of "impressive" given that people already expect zink to be able to run most things
just pick a nice looking screenshot and go imo
Just take a screenshot with iris and then write an article. (-:
who even uses iris anymore
everyone uses crocus now
jekstrand: I've seriously been considering just faking it, yeah ;)
"how can I get my icl chip to run crocus?"
* jekstrand
doesn't actually recommend that
only a matter of time
zmike: No! :P
it's going to happen
If someone wanted to make crocus support BDW, I'd be very happy about that
"Intel engineer Jason Ekstrand makes impassioned plea to open source driver developer community for BDW support in Gallium3D Crocus driver"
impassioned, eh?
that's headline speak for "wrote a comment suggesting it's possible"
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Friggin' Steam!
"Failed to load the launcher", such a helpful message!
bnieuwenhuizen is an expert on steam debugging
uh oh
I've gotten "further", missing xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers in, then after hacking away the code that uses that, missing _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE4findEcj...
Use C++ in the drivers, they said. It's going to work, they said.
...what are you even doing
zmike: Trying to run Half-Life 2 on Zink
you can't just run steam and go?
zmike: You mean running the whole steam UI using zink? It doesn't seem to use Zink for child processes AFAICT...
clearly identifiable as zink by the random green rectangle near the center
That would have been neat, but I guess this way is also OK ;)
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Trying an old 32-bit immediate-mode game in wine
it's working, although all the geometry is flickering a lot. This may be due to a couple bugs in the game where it has an extra glEnd, and calls glLineWidth(-1). Let me patch those out...