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<zmike> it doesn't block anything because rpi4 didn't technically support the feature enough to be confirmant
<zmike> but v3dv supports it enough to run zink
<Kuratius> any idea why it failed for this application? Or would you need more information?
<Kuratius> or is the feature just not implemented at all, not even enough for zink?
<zmike> it sounds like something else is going wrong
<zmike> unrelated to that
<zmike> my guess is not setting up env vars to load the right mesa libs
<Kuratius> So the arch install is missing the right mesa libs? Also is it normal that mesa sets llvmpipe as a fallback on debian, but not on arch?
<Kuratius> or are you talking specifically about me?
<zmike> dunno, I don't use arch at I can't comment
<Kuratius> is the llvmpipe fallback something that happens normally when zink fails to load?
<Kuratius> as in in, with a normal mesa install on non arch
<Kuratius> Is there a way I or someone else could help with testing this better?
<Kuratius> I'm somewhat interested in getting this to work properly, but I don't really have much knowledge about graphics development so the only thing I could do is test and provide logs
<Kuratius> is there like a recommended distro I should try this with?
<Kuratius> or just use debian and try to compile mesa from source, then try there and see if the result is different from arch?
<zmike> not sure about the status of zink on any distro tbh
<zmike> if you can get a backtrace from the crash that would be useful
<Kuratius> assuming I had an up to date mesa install, what command would be needed for the backtrace?
<zmike> run your command in gdb and type backtrace
<zmike> I'd recommend filing a mesa issue
<zmike> IRC isn't that reliable across timezones
<Kuratius> will do when I have logs
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<dj-death> anholt_: not sure what to make of your comment on
<dj-death> anholt_: it's more flaky than the existing?
<anholt_> dj-death: so, we're now at a ~95% passrate, with just one flake. I'm unsure if that flake is related to this MR -- is it a flake that would happen .1% of the time and I got unlucky, or is it new in this MR?
<anholt_> it would be neat if our CI run had something that someone could go dig into to see what happened, like devcoredump
<dj-death> anholt_: I'm expanding right now to capture the i915 thing
<anholt_> but also the frames of this trace are pretty slow and I wonder if we just got unlucky and pushed things over the edge for fence timeouts -- what are the timeouts i915 has currently for "we're making progress through the batch, but gosh that was slow so we killed it?"
<anholt_> nice!
<dj-death> anholt_: but my hopes are 0 for anything new/nice happening in i915
<dj-death> I read people were looking at devcoredump for xe
<dj-death> yeah the fence timeout is problematic
<dj-death> there is knob to increase the timeout in sysfs
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