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<evil_king_8791> in repo only 3.1 available, so I intalled it from sources. now arecord even stopped with error "channels count not available". dmesg | grep aop:
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<pakupaku> ponies: Found a solution to my problem of Gnome being slow: stick to the kernel 6.12. It seems 6.13 doesn't use GPU acceleration:
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<pakupaku> Oops, wrong message.
<pakupaku> jannau Yes, Asahi remix 42.
<pakupaku> $ cat /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,m1n1-stage2-version
<pakupaku> Here are the commands you asked:
<pakupaku> $ ls /proc/device-tree/reserved-memory/uat*
<pakupaku> v1.4.17
<pakupaku> name no-map phandle reg
<pakupaku> $ ls -ld /boot/dtb
<pakupaku> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 3月 21 11:33 /boot/dtb -> dtb-6.13.7-401.asahi.fc42.aarch64
<pakupaku> ` $ ls /proc/device-tree/reserved-memory/uat*
<pakupaku> ` /proc/device-tree/reserved-memory/uat-[handoff,pagetables,ttbs]:
<pakupaku> ` name no-map phandle reg
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<jannau> pakupaku: somehow you have managed to install a non 16k kernel. your m1n1 version is too old. do you happen to know from when your installation is (roughly)
<jannau> please paste the output of `rpm -qa | grep '^kernel'` to a pastebin like
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<pakupaku> I've installed it around July 2024 I think.
<pakupaku> Here is the command result:
<pakupaku> I'm surprised if it's a non 16k kernel, because I have a bug with electron (in signal-desktop) that, after some research, seems to be due to the 16k pages.
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<pakupaku> The dtb link in /boot is broken:
<pakupaku> I don't have a `dtb-6.13.7-401.asahi.fc42.aarch64` file, but there is a `dtb-6.13.7-401.asahi.fc42.aarch64+16k`
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<pakupaku> How can I update m1n1? Running from macOS doesn't propose an upgrade (it just detects Asahi is already installed and exits), and on the Asahi side I have the m1n1-1.4.21-4.fc42.aarch64 package.
<jannau> pakupaku: apple silicon systems will not work properly with non-16k pages
<jannau> pakupaku: there are two m1n1 binaries involved in the boot process. one is updated from the OS
<jannau> this is done automatically during package updates (using update-m1n1)
<jannau> that fails though if /boot/dtb is a broken link
<pakupaku> So I should fix the broken link and re-install update-m1n1?
<jannau> if you run `sudo update-m1n1` it will report the error
<pakupaku> Indeed: cat: '/boot/dtb/apple/t6*.dtb': No such file or directory
<jannau> yes, please fix the broken link to point to dtb-6.13.7-401.asahi.fc42.aarch64+16k and then simply run update-m1n1
<pakupaku> Thanks. Just rebooted the system; it feels more responsive than before.
<pakupaku> Now m1n1-stage2-version is v1.4.21
<jannau> pakupaku: you can deinstall following packages
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<evil_king_8791> jannau: i rebooted the machine after being in sleep mode for ~8h and the microphones visible now!
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<evil_king_8791> jannau: but in telegram there is noise only, i will investigate it later
<evil_king_8791> in other application works fine!
<evil_king_8791> applications*
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<chaos_princess> have you updated asahi-audio?
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<evil_king_8791> chaos_princess: yep, manually from main branch. but yesterday, and i rebooted after update anyway
<chadmed> chaos_princess: did 3.2 builds go to stable
<chadmed> ah nvm main branch. clearly electron apps are doing something weird for some folks then
<chaos_princess> fedora? idk
<jannau> no, fedora builds are not stable
<chaos_princess> and telegram is not electron, its a weird qt(?) app
<evil_king_8791> telegram-desktop is an qt app, yes
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<chadmed> thats a new one
<chadmed> what is the name of the mic/source that telegram thinks its using?
<evil_king_8791> i suppose it opens the mics with unsupportable sample rate, this issue is reproducable via arecord if sample rate not specified
<chadmed> ughhhh
<chadmed> that means i have to enable resampling on the filter-chain
<chadmed> fuck
<evil_king_8791> yep lol)
<chadmed> i really really did not want to do this
<chaos_princess> is this a "rip all thought of ever running this on ecores" kind of thing?
<chadmed> nah it should be fine from that perspective, but it means i need FIRs for every conceivably used sample rate
<chadmed> and because it's a mic it wont just be 441, 48, 96 and 192
<chadmed> itll be everything from 8k to 48k
<chadmed> and because the hardware device only seems to support 48k then _everything_ needs to be resampled
<chadmed> which MIGHT choke the ecores a little bit and will DEFINITELY lower the quality
<jannau> is there a good reason not to just resample after triforce? I would have expected pipewire to handle that
<evil_king_8791> maybe there is a way to force alsa/pipewire chose another sample rate by default?
<chadmed> nope
<chadmed> what machine do you have?
<chadmed> ill spin something up in the mics branch for you to test
<evil_king_8791> macbook pro 14 m2 max
<evil_king_8791> j414c
<chadmed> thanks
<chadmed> okay can you make/install the mics branch of asahi-audio, restart wireplumber and pipewire, and try again
<evil_king_8791> yep, one minute
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<evil_king_8791> now it works in arecord, but telegram still noising, ahhh
<chadmed> what is the name of the source telegram is trying to use
<evil_king_8791> but with another tone now!
<chadmed> and while you have it open in telegram, what does pw-top say