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in repo only 3.1 available, so I intalled it from sources. now arecord even stopped with error "channels count not available". dmesg | grep aop:
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pakupaku: somehow you have managed to install a non 16k kernel. your m1n1 version is too old. do you happen to know from when your installation is (roughly)
please paste the output of `rpm -qa | grep '^kernel'` to a pastebin like
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I've installed it around July 2024 I think.
I'm surprised if it's a non 16k kernel, because I have a bug with electron (in signal-desktop) that, after some research, seems to be due to the 16k pages.
I don't have a `dtb-6.13.7-401.asahi.fc42.aarch64` file, but there is a `dtb-6.13.7-401.asahi.fc42.aarch64+16k`
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How can I update m1n1? Running from macOS doesn't propose an upgrade (it just detects Asahi is already installed and exits), and on the Asahi side I have the m1n1-1.4.21-4.fc42.aarch64 package.
pakupaku: apple silicon systems will not work properly with non-16k pages
pakupaku: there are two m1n1 binaries involved in the boot process. one is updated from the OS
this is done automatically during package updates (using update-m1n1)
that fails though if /boot/dtb is a broken link
So I should fix the broken link and re-install update-m1n1?
if you run `sudo update-m1n1` it will report the error
Indeed: cat: '/boot/dtb/apple/t6*.dtb': No such file or directory
yes, please fix the broken link to point to dtb-6.13.7-401.asahi.fc42.aarch64+16k and then simply run update-m1n1
Thanks. Just rebooted the system; it feels more responsive than before.