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<Ry_Darcy> Running asahi 6.3.10 on an M1 Mini (Debian). Firefox 114.02 hangs quite regularly which requires a restart.. until the next limbo experience (hang). Anyone else experiencing same?
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<mps> Ry_Darcy: isn't it 6.3-10 kernel
<chadmed> i assume thats what they mean yeah
<mps> Ry_Darcy: I didn't had any problem with FF 114 and 115 now with this kernel, but I use alpine
<Ry_Darcy> Linux debian 6.3.0-asahi-00671-gb5060e2583dd to be exact.
<Ry_Darcy> Nothing in dmesg or syslog.
<mps> I think most of us run this version kernel
<cy8aer> hm, interesting my 114 worked with this kernel without problems, but 115 did not start because I had switched on Webrender and 115/Linux wants VAAP.
<mps> probably problem is in userspace somewhere
<mps> let me check on sway/wayland
<cy8aer> Ah. my ff works with pure wayland.
<Ry_Darcy> Scratches head. Beyond me as to what might be causing this. Not running wayland. Everything is more or less vanilla. Five FF windows open at the moment NMON reports 74% memory free - from 16GB.
<mps> ok, FF 115 works with X and wayland in my case
<Ry_Darcy> On a freeze (hang) FF is no longer responsive, cannot access buttons. CPU next to zero. Strange.
<Ry_Darcy> XFCE is the desktop.
<cy8aer> Probably the Mesa-Problem. And IMHO the real bug fix is not in 6.3-10 - but later.
<cy8aer> Alyssa thought it was fixed with 6.3-10 but there were more situations for a freezing ff
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<Ry_Darcy> I remember reading about this a while ago. Cannot remember the details though. Pity. Do you have the link with the info?
<Ry_Darcy> Thanks for the headsup anyway.
<cy8aer> It was in the last few days on #asahi-gpu I think.
<j`ey> 03:50 <lina> Looks like my previous kernel fix didn't fix the Firefox hangs, it just made them not spin a CPU core... ;;
<cy8aer> That's it.
<cy8aer> And it was lina, sorry
<cy8aer> But this explains Kernel problems, alyssa would be more mesa
<Ry_Darcy> Must wait then...
<cy8aer> It freezes one CPU on 100%.
<Ry_Darcy> Not just FF I am afraid, the machine also freezes quite regularly (access to nothing) also. Restart obviously. This did not happen until relatively recently. My own fault for compiling my own kernels I suppose.
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<chadmed> do you add any kcflags? many of us build our own kernels
<chadmed> firefox thing is known but i havent experienced any systemwide hangs
<mps> interesting, I didn't noticed any firefox problem for long time
<chadmed> the hang was already pretty rare before 6.3-10 but exceedingly rare now
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<Ry_Darcy> I used Glanzmann's build script.
<chadmed> someone probably really needs to take over maintenance of all his stuff since he abandoned it
<Ry_Darcy> Was not aware that he had left..
<chadmed> oh he last updated his repo last month
<chadmed> i thought he had stopped using asahi a while ago
<Ry_Darcy> 8th of June was his last contrib as far as I know.
<chadmed> yeah mb
<cy8aer> yep. hopefully his scripts will work for a time. I am waiting for gitea 1.2 to build up a repo but I do not know if I can stand all users to publish the repo then.
<cy8aer> gitea 1.20 sorry
<tobhe_> technically i guess i could also build debian images from my Ubuntu stuff
<tobhe_> since everything is packaged as debs
<chadmed> i dont see anything glaringly wrong with the kernel build script
<chadmed> bit tired to try go through his whole .config though
<cy8aer> And I fail to build up a CI for generating the kernels. It takes more than 2 Hours on a CI and all I tried have a time limit.
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<Ry_Darcy> I ripped quite a lot of stuff out of his .config. Too top-heavy for me. Still should not cause freezing issues though.
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<jmr2> Ry_Darcy: One more datapoint, if it can helps: MBAir M1, 100% Debian 12 except kernel which is asahi 6.3-8 and my own config. Asahi's DCP & GPU not activated. FF 102.13 on X. No issue noted.
<Ry_Darcy> Good for you.
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<jmr2> OK, I understand that it's not helpful. Good luck figuring it out.
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<Ry_Darcy> Just had a look at context switching and /proc/interrupts out of curiosity.. does anyone know what function asahi_sched serves?
<j`ey> looks like it's a scheduler for the GPU
<j`ey> 'Submission queue management'
<Ry_Darcy> OK, thanks. kworker/u16:2-rtkit-206400000.gpu is also doing a lot of context switching.
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