ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-alt to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | User-contributed/unofficial distribution ports | Logs:
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<as400> mps: you're right. So let's move here.
<as400> Going back to Alpine on M1. I think too much manual work for an average Linux user.
<mps> as400: for some time I'm thinking to add GPU enabled kernel and mesa-asahi to alpine aports
<mps> but didn't decided yet, want to hear opinion from ncopa
<as400> If you want to attract new users you should.
<mps> as400: but you are right, iirc most other distros have these
<as400> And I think Alpine is well worth it
<mps> agree fully!
<as400> Don't get me wrong but downloading packages from non-official sites doesn't look pro
<mps> another alpine user use these things from my repo for about 3 (or more) months
<mps> as400: again agree, it is better when things are in official repos
<as400> mps: i'm sure these packages work fine. It's just not the way it should be.
<mps> yes, from the day when they are added I didn't had any big problem
<mps> for linux-asahi-edge I can simply push it right now but for mesa-asahi I will need someone to help me to clean APKBUILD to some degree
<as400> You know - nowadays Alpine can be easily used as a desktop system. So I guess it's worth having stuff in official repos. Maybe even Alpine base image could be added to installer then ?
<mps> as400: I know, I use it for more than 5 years as desktop, and some people a lot longer
<as400> I believe. You've been maintaining asahi packages long enough to be trusted for official repos I think.
<mps> well, I'm member of kernel team for alpine
<mps> I can push anything to alpine but I always prefer to discuss with other members and devs
<as400> Even better :) But now I completely don't understand why this stuff isn't official.
<mps> I'm conservative by following Jon Postels robustness rule "be conservative in what you send and be liberal in what you receive"
<mps> "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others."
<as400> Sure. Understood. Just thinking out loud. I've heard you saying asahi stuff is stable. And I confirm. Sooooo :)
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<mps> if 'alpine boss' is not against it will be in alpine this weekend
<mps> also I want alpine have better coverage on apple silicon (and other machines)
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<as400> Cool
<as400> Don't forget to update install notes :)
<mps> huh, writing docs is my bad point, but I will try
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<as400> Same here... Hate it.
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