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<chadmed> hmmm chaos_princess that cflag filter is not filtering
<chadmed> like its not filtering my ldflags despite them being passed into the filter
<chaos_princess> right, because you are not filtering them out
<chaos_princess> you need to reset the variable
<chaos_princess> it only echos the new flags, it does not change the variable
<chadmed> oh duh
<chadmed> "guys heres your problem youre dereferencing a null pointer"
<chadmed> huh but it worked on the studio... whats different
<chadmed> ah once again our good friend undocumented cmake features
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<chaos_princess> sam_: Hi, so in order for fex to work it needs a "rootfs", basically a slightly modified copy of the host distro, but x86 instead of arm. I am looking at how to build a gentoo-based one, and for reasons, i'd prefer to grab as many packages as possible from binhost. How should i set up the rootfs system so it matches what binhost builds, and do you have any suggestions on how to
<chaos_princess> implement the whole thing correctly?
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<chadmed> use catalyst
<chadmed> do this but for amd64 multilib
<chadmed> and instead of building an installcd at stage2 build a stage3 or 4 tarball (or eventually squashfs once krun supports that)
<chaos_princess> does that build the packages or pull them from binhost
<chadmed> theres a config switch somewhere otherwise it will build them in the first instance and then cache them a la binhost
<chadmed> you can just configure the "guest" make.conf to use binhost tho
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<chadmed_> chaos_princess: you can put `binhost = ""` in your catalyst.conf
<chadmed_> replace that url with whatever mirror you wanna use
<chadmed_> lazy copy-paste from the wiki
<chadmed_> come chill in #gentoo-releng if you have catalyst questions, the docs are a bit shit and it can be a pain to set up (hence in my repo)