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<marcan> m1n1 only really directly boots kernels for debugging, so it's not that big a deal, but yeah, I should fix that
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<povik> just to make sure: this ^ has DT patches that should go in for 6.1 for us not to have issues with a shared audio reset
<povik> since the binding change has an ack already (it got one within 3m of posting!) patches #1 and #2 should be good to pick up
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<sven> marcan: fwiw, that command that breaks bluetooth on 6.0-rc6 is somehow related to coex afaict
<marcan> oh huh
<sven> it does some "Mobile Wireless Standard" frame configuration. it's unclear if this also includes wifi though
<_jannau_> I think it's just mobile phone networks
<sven> could be, it's a bit unclear
<sven> it also fails with "command disallowed" and not with "unknown command"
<sven> " The Bluetooth Core Specification does not specify signalling between the Bluetooth Controller and a Wireless LAN device." so jannau is right, this MWS seems to be about coex with other 2.4 GHz radios
<_jannau_> so there is need to support it for ipads with cellular network support (and iphones) but using it doesn't make sense on macbooks
<sven> it's still weird the firmware on 4378/87 claims to support it but then disallows that command though
<marcan> still wondering if there's an actual wlan coex enable though, or I'm missing something on the wlan side. changing coex profiles on the wlan side didn't seem to do anything
<sven> 4377 claims support and _does_ support that command
<marcan> there is some readback support for the coex stuff, I should try it and see if it's *doing* anything on the wlan side
<sven> have you pushed the wifi tracer? i can adapt the bt tracer and make it spit out btmon traces we can stare at then
<sven> on macos it does lots of vendor specific commands but I can't easily trace the setup there
<sven> there's a cute "PacketLogger" thing you can get with xcode. older versions seem to even include names for most vendor commands :D
<marcan> sven: just pushed, have fun
<sven> nice, thanks
<marcan> Super_Peek_Poke Super_Duper_Peek_Poke lol
<sven> :D
<marcan> WriteHoppingChannels sounds like it could be related
<marcan> ReadCollaborationMode WriteCollaborationMode also
<sven> yeah
<sven> there are a few suspicious commands
<marcan> also WriteHighPriorityConnection
<sven> i'll try to get the bt tracer to just spit out btmon logs. staring at bluetooth hex commands isn't much fun
<marcan> CoexBandwidthStatistics is probably receive only but useful
<sven> they dumped pretty much all broadcom vendor commands into PacketSniffer afaict
<sven> (well, all vendor commands that existed a few years ago before they noticed)
<marcan> ReadSupportedVSCs sounds useful
<marcan> VSC_ForceWLANChannel also
<sven> I think I tried ReadSupportedVSCs and just got "command denied" or something
<sven> but maybe it needs parameters
<marcan> and VSC_ChangeConnectionPriority could be related to coex prio
<marcan> VSC_CoExDebugCounters
<marcan> VSC_ChangeLNAGainCoexECI hmm
<marcan> anyway, yeah, trace macos and see what it does?
<sven> yup, pretty much
<sven> just need to take r's tracer and move it over to the new pcie framework and then make it spit out the commands in a way humans can read them
<marcan> and make sure to test a coex scenario (A2DP with wifi on 2.4) to see if anything changes
<marcan> macos changes the wlan coex profile on 2.4 but not 5, when A2DP starts sending data (when audio plays)
<sven> oh, interesting
<sven> i think i can already do that just from macos without the hv.
<marcan> I think what that does is prioritize l2cap, but I don't know for sure
<sven> well, if i can force it to 2.4 GHz without changing my wlan ap config :/
<marcan> this is why I have 2.4-only and 5-only SSIDs...
<chadmed[m]> +1 i have a particularly noisy microwave and band steering only guarantees that my entire network goes down when anyones trying to cook rice
<sven> it's spamming lots of vendor specific commands
<sven> VSC_HandleLeMetaVsc1 so someting something LE advertisments
<sven> and VSC_WriteHighPriorityConnection (sounds supicious), VSC_Olympic (???) and VSC_EnhancedLinkQuelityStats
<sven> yup, just before it starts sending audio frames it seems to send VSC_WriteHighPriorityConnection
<marcan> maybe that's all we need then?
<marcan> it's possible the wlan side coex profile only prioritizes connections marked as that
<marcan> sven: can we figure this out at the hci layer? might need sniffing packets, something something look for an l2cap PSM 0x19 (I think that's the one)?
<marcan> of course the real way to do this is with a new API but that would end up needing support all the way to userspace..
<sven> maybe, let me first try to actually make btcoex fail because uh.. it seems to work here?
<marcan> yeah that's the thing
<marcan> it sort of works
<marcan> just not... great
<marcan> it completely falls over with LDAC devices apparently
<marcan> but I still get more glitches and hiccups than expected with SBC
<marcan> try higher bitrates for more effect
<marcan> (pavucontrol has profiles)
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<rmk> yay, brcm4378 patches merged :)
<chadmed[m]> queued for 6.1?
<rmk> yep
<sven> huh?
<sven> ohh… WiFi
<sven> confusingly the Bluetooth chip is also called 4378 ;)
<chadmed[m]> Certified Broadcom Moment(tm)
<rmk> and is probably the same device
<sven> yeah
<sven> it’s the same device, just a different pcie function
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<rmk> the 4329 and 4330 that SolidRun used on their platforms is the same (except it's SDIO for WiFi and serial for BT)
<sven> chadmed[m]: don’t get me started…
<j`ey> rmk: yay! 12 down..
<rmk> 24 to go? :/
<j`ey> *100+ to go :p
<rmk> I was meaning for brcmfmac
<sven> for these macs Broadcom (or apple) decided to invented a new weird IPC over PCIe protocol for sone reason
<sven> *some
<chadmed[m]> hopefully t6k dart goes in for 6.1 too so we can actually have wifi across the board
<jannau> I think we have more 200 patches on top of v6.0-rc5
<sven> :(
<chadmed[m]> jannau: im pulling down the whole tree now to recalc this while i have Feature Support open
<rmk> it would've been nice to get macsmc gpio and pcie sorted so we could have the wifi functional for 6.1
<jannau> still no email/commit from Joerg since sunday morning a week ago
<rmk> but at least we have some progress towards macsmc gpio
<j`ey> $ git rev-list v6.0-rc5..asahi-6.0-rc5-4 | wc -l
<j`ey> 208
<chadmed[m]> "This number should decrease with each new kernel version, major hardware
<chadmed[m]> changes notwithstanding."
<chadmed[m]> this sentence didnt even last one kernel release lmaoo
<j`ey> :D
<sven> :D
<rmk> j`ey: so my efforts will have knocked off about 15 patches from that, but I bet by 6.1-rc1 there'll be more than 15 new patches added
<sven> getting Bluetooth into 6.2 might be pushing it but I’ll try to send out v3 this evening
<sven> *6.1
<j`ey> rmk: dont think of it like that, still progress ;)
<sven> And like 50 of those patches are relatively boring dts updates anyway
<j`ey> sven: what are you doing with bt and that GetMWSConfig thing
<sven> add a quirk
<j`ey> ok
<sven> it’s just that one command, everything else reported in that get local feature thing seems to work
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<dottedmag> chadmed[m]: Well, you threw in "should", right?
<sven> alright, gonna submit that soon
<sven> *here's
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<sven> argh... I miscounted bits. should've been MWS Transport Layer config instead of MWS Pattern config
<sven> at least this time I noticed before send-email
<j`ey> sven: yay, good luck!
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<jannau> cover latter still mentions "MWS Pattern Configuration" twice
<j`ey> the .. yeah
<sven> :(
<sven> oh well
<sven> yeah, I just copied the old cover letter completely
<povik> \o/ v3 out
<sven> I wonder if I actually get comments on the actual driver this time :D
<marcan> rmk: pcie gpio probably won't go into 6.1 because that binding has to change radically, and I can't know I did that right until sleep works
<marcan> would've loved to get to this earlier but alas... my schedule has been kind of swamped lately (see Akademy talk tweet, and others) :(
<marcan> upstreaming is good, but best not rush things that aren't ready, and that one isn't :) (in a way that has compat implications)
<marcan> re new patches, we'll see, there's the whole sleep thing, but that's a big yak to shave anyway...
<marcan> I should submit dockchannel, since it looks like that works and it's worth getting in, but it has some deps on the spi-hid series... that whole input stuff needs cleanup and debugging still
<rmk> marcan: you mean gpio-macsmc ?
<marcan> no, I mean the PCIe power GPIO binding/support
<jannau> I started working on spihid but there is quite a bit of cleanup to do
<jannau> on input side the keyboard is mostly good to go but we need to decide on dt binding for the keyboard layout
<jannau> we need it for hid-apple since we need to set iso_layout dependent on the actual layout and not just the us/iso/jis type
<jannau> for hid-magicmouse it would make sense to check if it can't be refactored to share more code between the trackpad and the usb devices
<jannau> it currently feels a little like two drivers in one file
<jannau> not sure where the bad crc packets are coming from but apparently those are not garbled keyboard packets
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<marcan> the keyboard layout is going to be a big yak to shave if we intend to specify all the details
<marcan> do we really need that? afaik Apple's USB stuff does not report anything other than us/iso/jis either
<marcan> that's what I did for dockchannel too
<marcan> I do want us to specify the keyboard layout a different way, but that's a much bigger conversation to be had regarding what the list of valid keyboard types should be
<Tramtrist> I was able to configure my Japanese keyboard very easily.. Thank you all again for your good work
<marcan> :)
<ChaosPrincess> not exactly asahi related, but how did y'all started upstreaming patches to kernel. i ported some drivers for an unrelated board from vendors random fork to upstream kernels, and want to upstream it, but want to hear about how people did it
<jannau> I think it's also a problem for the usb keyboards hence the module option. probably nothing to be done for USB keyboards but we have the information to handle this correctly
<jannau> we do not need the full layout in the dt for this. a flag to tell the two iso variants apart would be enough
<j`ey> ChaosPrincess: you just send them out!
<jannau> maybe it's just enough to set apple_find_translation
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<sven> ChaosPrincess: I read and then just sent them out
<sven> (and then changed email providers because email sucks *sigh*)
<ChaosPrincess> i also read all of that, but sending patches that way feels way more intimidating than sending a PR for some reason :P
<sven> sending a PR via email was even more intimidating. I think I sent that nvme PR ti myself like five times before I was convinced everything was good ;)
<sven> seriously though, just try send-email and see what happens. There’s a very high chance you find some typo or similar mistake 5 seconds later anyway
<sven> (see my Bluetooth series from a few hours ago…)
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