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<jannau> lol: 'panic(cpu 3 caller 0xfffffe00159aa7ac): "RTBuddy(DCP)::_setManagedStateGated " "No response received in 20s, DCP not started? (4)'
<jannau> seems like macos can't reset DCP either. caused by me forgetting the patch which avoids display init on the m2 mini
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<sup> is there some feature/todo list for asahi?
<sup> whi
<sup> thanks
<sup> is there an issue tracker?
<sup> maybe i could look into some bugs see if i can do anything
<j`ey> I dont think so, for the kernel itself
<j`ey> some other components have issues on github
<sup> ok. ill check it out. thanks.
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<ChaosPrincess> jannau: you were looking at avd, right?
<jannau> ChaosPrincess: I started today by looking what R and Jamie did so far
<ChaosPrincess> ah, ok
<jannau> but I haven't spend much time on it. I'm also a little familiar with videotoolbox (macos/ios hw video codec API)
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