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<marcan> ChaosPrincess: fixed the register name thing. what machine/macos?
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<chadmed> we need to sort the tas2764/2770 sleep situation at some point
<chadmed> the patches in my open PR for it still apply but at this point it might be worth just ripping the band aid off re shared gpio upstream before continuing
<chadmed> thats not going to be fun though
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<ChaosPrincess> marcan: j293, 13.3
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<kettenis_> marcan: thanks for the usb stuff; I'm a bit busy right now, but maybe we should mention this on the u-boot irc channel
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<marcan> oh, libera?
<ChaosPrincess> marcan: any idea on what could be the problem with that panic above? m1n1 does do something to that register and macos seems to not like it
<marcan> does m1n1 print out anything when that happens?
<ChaosPrincess> i dont think its relevant, but those are the last lines from log
<ChaosPrincess> its a panic in the opensource part of xnu code, where it tries to enable something in that register, and then checks if that succeeded
<ChaosPrincess> and it doesnt like what m1n1 is returning when it intercepts that read
<ChaosPrincess> thats the part that panics
<marcan> ah yeah ok I see the regression
<kettenis_> yes, u-boot ended up on the libera side
<marcan> ChaosPrincess: try now
<ChaosPrincess> sec, let me set up the relevant machines
<ChaosPrincess> ok, works now
<ChaosPrincess> one more thing, and feel free to tell me to buzz off with this one: is kernel from gpu/rust-rebased and asahi/mesa master supposed to work together w.r.t gpu (13.3 fw)?
<marcan> I *think* so but ask lina
<marcan> also I don't think she tested 13.3 at all on anything <M2
<marcan> so good chance it's broken
<ChaosPrincess> good news, the kernel driver boots and does not panic, but mesa just does not start and only does swrast
<ChaosPrincess> (still j293)
<marcan> if it's a version mismatch mesa will tell you. if you aren't getting that message something else is wrong
<ChaosPrincess> well, i dont exactly need gpu for what im doing, just wanted to know if it is supposed to work at all
<marcan> dunno but I haven't merged the GPU updates yet so shrug :p
<marcan> plan is to do that ~soonish, then do a tag so we can start testing stuff but allowing 13.3 only on M2max (M2pro disabled until lina explicitly tests that)
<marcan> then eventually enable M2pro and whatever else needs doing and do a release, but pushing 13.3 only on M2pro/max
<marcan> 13.3 backport to older chips will be a future cycle (shouldn't be long but not coincident with the new ones)
<ChaosPrincess> kk
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<aiden> Choose a disk: 1: Internal storage 2: Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 Media (62.06 GB) » Disk: 2 Collecting partition information... System disk: disk0 Found 1 external disk(s) root : ERROR Exception caught Traceback (most recent call last): File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/", line 1054, in <module> InstallerMain().main() File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/", line 865, in main while self.main
<aiden> Hi, I'm new here.
<ChaosPrincess> aiden: slightly wrong channel, but are you trying to install to an external disk
<aiden> For some USB disk, there's no DiskUUID as key if you run `diskutil info -plist /dev/disk4` where disk4 is my USB stick.
<ChaosPrincess> you can't install on external
<aiden> Oh, I see. I thought it is possible now.
<aiden> Maybe I should select the internal disk then I will be prompt `UEFI environment only (m1n1 + U-Boot + ESP)` method?
<ChaosPrincess> that is a way of doing it, put stub and ESP on internal and rootfs on external
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<aiden> Great. Maybe we can have a better guide message?
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<marcan> aiden: expert mode is for Asahi developers only, if you don't know what you're doing you shouldn't be using it
<marcan> it will be removed in the next installer release entirely