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<jannau> marcan, alyssa: have you seen anything which hints towards AP access to the blended dcp framebuffer?
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<marcan> jannau: is it actually in RAM somehow? I know there are histograms and stuff and probably a way to capture blended output, but I don't know of an outright buffer
<jannau> there seems to be CRC calculation for the blended output as well but the blended buffer would be much more useful
<jannau> any idea what the default_fb / dfb is ?
<marcan> no idea
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<ChaosPrincess> looks like hv is broken in m1n1 from git master, first the register names are wrong (, and also the macos kernel panics with "Panic occurred while attempting to lock PAI 0 (0):"
<ChaosPrincess> actually, "panic(cpu 5 caller 0xfffffe0013020610): monotonic: hardware ignored enable (read 7000400, wrote 7003403) @monotonic_arm64.c:268" seems to be a more relevant panic line
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<alyssa> jannau: for.. CRTC writeback?
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