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<chadmed> jannau: at this stage i cant see a solution to the hwmon sensor discrepancies other than checking every single machine semi-manually
<chadmed> P(36,3) is like 40,000 possible sensors
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<chadmed> wait no ffs its not 36 its 62 because they can be A-Z a-z 0-9
<chadmed> so whats that like 250k "possible" sensors
<chadmed> fantastic
<chadmed> (just for temperature)
<chaos_princess> whats up with hwmon sensors?
<chadmed> there doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason between machines even with the same soc
<chadmed> and the sensors that some foss macos tools _think_ are the ecore temp sensors dont actually seem to be the ecore temp sensors
<chaos_princess> and i take it there is no convenient plist in macos that fixes this mess?
<chadmed> maybe something we might be able to fix in #asahi-re but nothing easily accessed/open
<chadmed> to avoid having to look at macos again my current strat is to just write a brute forcer for m1n1 that goes through every T[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9] and tries to read it
<chadmed> at least then we can have a list of any temp sensors that actually exist, then test for what they are (if there arent a stupid amount of them)
<chaos_princess> you could probably figure out per-core ones by getting the core to multiply matrices and looking at which one spikes
<chadmed> yeah ive been burning the cores with stress-ng doing matrix workers
<chadmed> the issue is more that we dont even know what sensors exist beyond ones we found aaaages ago :p
<chadmed> some of the smc keys are sensiple like TB0T (battery 0 temp?) and PSTR (system total real?)
<chadmed> but all the cpu-adjacent ones seem to have stupid names so we cant even really intuit which they might be
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<jannau> chadmed: we can enumerate the smc keys: experiments/
<chadmed> oh yeah we have #KEY
<chadmed> we still need to get all the T*** ones and see what they do when we burn the cpu
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<jannau> I just add all the sensors to the devicetree like and then run something like `watch -n 1 "sensors macsmc_hwmon-isa-0000 | grep -e '^T'" -e '^ft'"`
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<jannau> I think the "ftP*" and "ftG*" keys might be a better target than "Tp0*" and "Tg0*" but still no sensors which respond clearly to e-core load
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<chadmed> my thought when i first noticed was maybe the cores really are just that efficient...
<chadmed> but they dont do anything even when you light up the whole cluster
<chadmed> and this machine has no fans!
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<ella-0> Has anyone perchance managed to build lsp-plugins without X11? What I've found so far is it seems it used to be possible a while ago but then the build system got refactored and I don't even know where to start with the mess of makefiles
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<chadmed_> ella-0: i build it with USE="-X" on gentoo and it _seems_ to do what it's supposed to
<chadmed_> ugh that just disables xdg stuff...
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