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<chadmed> wow shocker
<chadmed> (bloke who spammed the bug tracker got all the answers from chatgpt)
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<chaos_princess> treating a stochastic parrot as a mechanical god, i wonder if all those 'ai will let everyone code' people actually ever tried it.
<chadmed> as someone who unfortunately has to work with these linkedin "thought leaders" every day, the answer is sadly no they wont
<chadmed> they all think "ai" is a magic "solve all of my business problems" tick box
<lena6> my condolescences
<chadmed> meh it has been really funny having warned these people 18 months ago about various negatives and risks of pursuing this to the detriment of actually running the business/focusing on the core product
<chaos_princess> a few days ago i was taking a train and somehow ended up in the same car with a bunch of techbros, all in t-shirts with various shitcoin logos on them and discussing ai nonsense. Was really jealous of monolingual people that day.
<chadmed> them shitting on me for most of that 18 months
<chadmed> then quietly stopping in the last month or so and offering me a lot more money to not go away and look for something more fun to do
<chadmed> chaos_princess: i cant think of anything worse
<chadmed> actually yes it would be worse if it wasnt on a train
<chadmed> case in point there is no high speed rail in australia and i wake up this morning to a "your flight has been cancelled sorry no refunds" email
<chaos_princess> i think the "cancelled, sorry no refunds" won't fly in eu even for flights
<chadmed> its not supposed to fly (heh) here either but they get away with it because our consumer watchdog is useless and people seem to be totally apathetic to it
<chadmed> theres also only 3 airlines that operate domestic flights, with one of those just being a marque of qantas anyway
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