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<chadmed_> edid stuff works nicely, both my dell 2721dgfs have builtin profiles which almost perfectly match the display-p3 icc
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<chadmed_> is sommelier presenting a 1280x720 x11 server to its clients a known issue?
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<LarstiQ> chadmed_: oooh, looking forward to edid
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<nickchan> t2 linux or m1n1 confirmed to not work will need to investigate
<nickchan> pongoOS serial on broken on t2 too, and that probably should be fixed first
<nickchan> likely need to do some pinmux just like atv4k
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<nickchan> from adt mmio and interrupts are also different
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<IAmRasputin> the asahi tree in github seems like it's diverged a ton from the upstream tree. Is getting that merged into mainline going to be a nightmare? Or is there some magic process for making that happen without the merge equivalent of a train derailment?
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<sven> most changes are to our local drivers, those usually don’t cause any issues
<sven> the commits inside the kernel are usually also small and logically connected changes. that also helps a lot with avoiding issues during merge conflicts
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<IAmRasputin> that's good to hear, it would be nice for all of this code to eventually live in the mainline tree
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<nickchan> sven: perhaps the aic patches can be staged linux-next
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<nickchan> staged for
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<sven> they will be eventually
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<sven> the irqchip maintainers will take a look at them and then merge them into their tree if they’re happy
<sven> then they’ll hit linux-next
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