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<maz> nickchan: I don't know what you're talking about, but it looks like you have the wrong end of the stick.
<maz> there is no "msr emulation" to change (there should be none), and all you need to do is make sure that the sanitised view of ID_AA64PFR0_EL1.EL0 returns 64bit only. this is the only change that is needed AFAICT.
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<nickchan> fixed serial rx for a7-a9
<nickchan> they seem to use bit 3 in UTRSTAT as RXTO, which isenabled by bit 11 in UCON
<nickchan> now setting these bits doesn't seem to break A10
<nickchan> however, I do not know if M1 would be happy about that
<nickchan> sven: can you check if the last two commits in the above branch affects serial on M1 (or above)?
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