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<jannau> I finally found and fixed why why the aquantia 10gb nic doesn't (relieably) work under the HV
<jannau> apparently it's very sensitive to the perst pin handling/timing
<jannau> apparently even the short state switches during init can break the device
<jannau> marcan: have we reports that the 10gb is sometimes broken under normal linux boot?
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<jannau> I've pushed asahi-6.10.9-1 to
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<tpw_rules> did anything change in the last few tags with how the graphics driver is loaded? like a probe dependency or something?
<tpw_rules> (also fedora is still on 6.10.6, any particular reason?)
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<jannau> tpw_rules: not that I'm aware of. there was fix for missing kconfig dependency for DRM_GPUVM
<jannau> no reason for 6.10.6 in fedora, just not yet updated
<tpw_rules> when was that fix?
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<jannau> b501f612fe893619db6cd62c644d850985fc1b94 v6.10.4
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