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<nicolas17> nickchan: I guess the many Linux-based set-top boxes aren't bothering with correct information in the device tree? :P
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<chadmed__> half the upstream devicetrees dont even bother with correct/good information in the devicetree :p
<chadmed__> it took until [whenever i fixed it] for anyone to realise that opp-microwatt used to just straight up be ignored by the system if it wasnt part of a "well formed" vrm node
<chadmed__> all the documentation said that it should _not_ do this
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<nickchan> nicolas17: chassis-type is a relatively recent thing
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<sven> I don’t care about the order as long as it’s consistent
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<nickchan> sven: Well, the thing is the existing entries are *not* consistent
<nickchan> I think you should make a reply on the mailing list
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<nickchan> v2 will be this weekend
<nickchan> these changes are to be merged through asahi-soc i think
<nickchan> im more inclined to have a logical order
<nickchan> alphabetical A9 -> (desktop chips) -> A7 -> A8 -> A10 isn't very readable for the asahi-soc reviwer, I think
<nickchan> edit: swap a7 and desktop chips above
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<sven> consistent within a file, so either alphabetical or by release
<sven> ideally consistent overall if someone really wants to fix that :D
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<nickchan> going to include an expanded version of ordering explaination from jannau's series to add m2 device trees
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<nickchan> is it possible to get the cpu frequency from the hw?
<nickchan> j`ey: maybe the comments can help but that gets the frequencies from the dt
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<nickchan> jannau: your cpuidle disable on a7-a11 generates a null deref because pdev is not initialized
<nickchan> this will fix the issue
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