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<phire> must be, but I don't see anything looking anywhere like a pointer in that region.
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<marcan> phire: btw, what OS version are you testing on?
<marcan> I'm targeting 12.1 for initial release unless we have a good reason to go for 12.2
<marcan> so it would be good to focus on that one initially
<marcan> I think I saw addresses on my m1pro that differed from yours, but that could be just the HW difference causing different allocs?
<marcan> (not just the RAM size being different, that one is obvious)
<phire> marcan: sorry, it's 12.2
<phire> I couldn't work out how to install an older version, so I decided to just go with 12.2 for now
<marcan> I mentioned it in -dev the other day
<phire> I didn't think I'd get this deep into complex structures
<marcan> 14:43:46 <@marcan> fyi: you can use `softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer --full-installer-version 12.1` to download a 12.1 installer, useful for updating to a specific version that is no longer the latest
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<marcan> of course for a downgrade you'll have to reinstall though
<phire> yeah, saw it. Just need to take time to do a reinstall
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<marcan> phire: while you're on 12.2, mind running experiments/ and pasting the output?
<marcan> just want to make sure they didn't add any more goodies in that version, if they did it'd be reason to go for that
<marcan> (just pushed)
<phire> sure
<phire> will do that after the installer finishes downloading
<marcan> sure
<marcan> also is this a max or a pro?
<phire> max, with 64gb ram
<marcan> cool, will be good to get a dump of that (haven't been plugging in my max a bunch, heh)
<marcan> I think it should have 4 or 5 CLVRs
<jannau> marcan: outout of a m1 max 32G running 12.2.1
<marcan> thanks!
<marcan> and yeah, looks the same ish
<phire> and here is my output for m1 max 32G running 12.2
<phire> probally much the same
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<phire> marcan: looks like my code is all working as expected on 12.1
<phire> no major changes in structures or pointers
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<marcan> cool!