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<bnieuwenhuizen> dcbaker: Can we get 66f7289d568db8711adb885acc56622e2aff252a cherry-picked to mesa-22.0 as requested in the "[ANNOUNCE] mesa 22.0.0-rc2" thread? Seems that has slipped through the cracks?
<mattst88> (I think it's generally best to open an MR against the stable branch for things like that)
<bnieuwenhuizen> mattst88: weird thing here was that a revert got cherry-picked into mesa-22.0 that we didn't want & expect unless the above patch was also included
<bnieuwenhuizen> hence the discussion on the ML, though in hindsight maybe MR would have been better given that it slipped through :)
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<dcbaker> bnieuwenhuizen: picked, sorry about that
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<dcbaker> I think eric_engestrom and I talked about not automatically nominating reverts anymore unless they were also cc: or fixes:, but I don't think either of us have made that happen
<mattst88> ah, I was going to ask if the tooling automatically nominated reverts. that makes sense
<mattst88> huh, there was an rc3. doesn't look like the announcement ever made it to the list
<kisak> y
<bnieuwenhuizen> IIRC it might even be documented but we forgot about it on the radv side
<dcbaker> mattst88: oops, yeah I think I did forget to send out an annouce
<mattst88> ahh, no problem
<dcbaker> panfrost did have some issues with -rc3 anyway :/
<mattst88> dcbaker: just as long as you don't completely change the version like did :P
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<dcbaker> Lol
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: sooo... the most annoying issue about cl_kernel is, that it's highly mutable, so I am not entirely sure how we want to deal with that. Maybe just use it as &mut if the new wrapper allow that easily... or we just use a Cell/RefCell and set the new values, which wouldn't need a &mut at all
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<karolherbst> ehhh.. and I have to fix Program because it could deadlock and I have to fix something anyway..
<jekstrand> karolherbst: that's what Mutex is for
<jekstrand> Or RwLock
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: sure, but cl_kernel are not supposed to be shared, so concurrent access is undefined behavior
<karolherbst> we could still lock if we want to, but we don't have to
<jekstrand> sure
<jekstrand> But, as long as most of the time is being burned in NIR, I don't care about taking a few locks.
<karolherbst> I am not sure how relevant calls to clSetKernelArg are
<karolherbst> in the real world I mean
<jekstrand> And having to lock kernels sounds very much like the kind of thing we should not worry about without benchmark data. :)
<karolherbst> but applications might compile a kernel and reuse it with different args for ever
<jekstrand> hrm... clSetKernelArg sounds annoying
<karolherbst> yeah...
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<karolherbst> I am sure clEnqueueNDRangeKernel will also change some state
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<jekstrand> Yeah, refcell might work
<karolherbst> my hope is that we could cover everything with Cell::set though, but we can only tell after trying that out
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<jekstrand> So Cell is basically an atomic swap?
<jekstrand> That should work
<karolherbst> well except it isn't atomic
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<jekstrand> :-/
<karolherbst> but you overwrite the old value without needing &mut
<karolherbst> which could be enough
<jekstrand> But acutal races can still break it
<jekstrand> ?
<karolherbst> sure
<jekstrand> :-/
<karolherbst> I think the inner state of Cell is still fine, because Cell doesn't really have state
<jekstrand> I mean, if racing is illegal, I guess that's probably good enough
<jekstrand> Especially for KernelSetArg
<karolherbst> yep
<karolherbst> Cell literally only consist of the value it wraps, nothing else
<jekstrand> ah
<karolherbst> so there is no state to trash
<karolherbst> just threads reading out weird values
<karolherbst> anyway, implementing KernelSetArg will be fun because of many reasons
<jekstrand> But, again, if we just throw a mutex around it all, that's ok
<karolherbst> jekstrand: if it makes you feel better, Atomics in Rust use UnsafeCell, which Cell uses as well :p
<jekstrand> heh
<karolherbst> they just do atomics on the Cells pointer
<jekstrand> heh
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<ishitatsuyuki> I want to investigate using a hardware-accelerated SHA1 implementation in Mesa, and apparently the kernel's sha1_ni_asm.S is dual licensed as BSD/GPL2. Are there any potential issues wrt incorporating BSD licensed code in Mesa?
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<mattst88> ishitatsuyuki: no licensing issues, but I don't think we'll take optimizations like this unless there's real performance data
<mattst88> and I don't think SHA1 is a bottleneck in any way in Mesa
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<ishitatsuyuki> you're right, it's not a bottleneck at all during compilation
<ishitatsuyuki> it did become a fairly large portion when I was replaying an already-warmed fossilize cache, so that's probably why I spotted that on perf top
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<bbrezillon> does anyone know if VK_IMAGE_CREATE_2D_ARRAY_COMPATIBLE_BIT allows 3D -> 2D dimension casting on image views used as textures, or is it just allowed on color attachment views?
<bbrezillon> VK_KHR_maintenance1 mentions the color buffer attachment use case explicitly, but it doesn't clearly forbid it on other kind of attachments, and VkImageCreateFlagBits doesn't mention any particular usage constraint
<bbrezillon> I'm asking because d3d12 doesn't allow 3D -> 2D casting on textures, but supports it on color buffer attachments (we can specify the target 3D slices in the RENDER_TARGET_VIEW descriptor)
<bbrezillon> I mean, we can always lower things shader side, but I'd like to avoid that if we can
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<krh> jekstrand, karolherbst: if cl_kernel is not shared, RefCell is the non-atomic version of Mutex
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<karolherbst> krh: I wish that would be the case, but RefCell verifies at runtime there is just one &mut on the inner data, meaning it can fail. But given that concurrent access is undefined it might be fine
<krh> karolherbst: yeah, it's annoying that way, but you said "cl_kernel are not supposed to be shared"
<karolherbst> that's correct
<karolherbst> but I hope that Cell::set is enough as it's less annoying to use than RefCell
<krh> yeah, it's cleaner and easier if you can get away with it
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<jekstrand> bbrezillon: It's only for rendering, I belive
<jekstrand> Uh... Hrm...
<jekstrand> And maybe storage?
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<jekstrand> bbrezillon: Intel hardware supports it for color attachments and storage but not textures, natively.
<jekstrand> Well, gen9 can do it for textures
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<mlankhorst> airlied: is drm-next still open?
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<Lynne> airlied: just asking, do you take VkVideoPictureResourceKHR.codedOffset into account for the current "setup" resource?
<Lynne> apparently it's meant to be used for interlaced content, where the bottom field is interlaved with the top field by specifying an offset
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<robclark> danvet: jfwiw, had a "fun" time the other day debugging a kernel deadlock which eventually turned out to be caused by (no surprise) SW_SYNC ;-) ... it did make me think we should revisit using per-crtc kthreads for non-block atomic commits, since blocking system_unbound_wq when that happens is unfriendly
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<danvet> robclark, hm I thought it should spawn more workers?
<danvet> that's at least what I thought unbound means, as in you can hog a work forever and nothing much bad happens
<danvet> or did someone flush that wq (which would be a bug I think, don't ever do that)?
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<robclark> danvet: so userspace eventually detects the hang and tries to restart.. and ofc that causes various wq flushes that add to the hilarity..
<danvet> robclark, yeah but they're just works stuck on the modeset chain
<danvet> not on the unbound wq
<danvet> fb release does a modeset too
<danvet> so I don't think pulling the commit work out into a separate thread or wq will change anything here
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<robclark> I guess it should be easy enough to test.. schedule some work that sleeps forever and see what happens
<zmike> anyone know if any tests exist that use LINE_LOOP with dlists?
<zmike> I think I'm gonna say this isn't a thing unless someone's got a real use case...
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<bbrezillon> jekstrand: ok, d3d12 doesn't support it for storage either
<bbrezillon> so I think we're good
<bbrezillon> jekstrand: updated with your latest changes
<bbrezillon> unless you see a good reason to wait, I'll update the dozen MR to use the new helpers
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<jekstrand> bbrezillon: Sounds good. I've got lavapipe MRs posted for CmdBeginRendering and CmdBindDescriptorSets
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<jekstrand> bbrezillon: They're both running in CI now but I'm pretty confident.
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<bbrezillon> jekstrand: yep, added R-b on the MRs already
<jekstrand> \o/
<jekstrand> bbrezillon: Sadly, lavapipe-asan is failing on the beginrendering one. Investigating now.
<jekstrand> drp... Forgot to un-comment BeginRendering
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<karolherbst_> jekstrand: now: clSetKernelArg... I hope that won't be too annoying to implement as it requires quite a lot in the end
<karolherbst_> would be fun to represent the args as rust enums
<karolherbst_> each enum value can even take a different type internally
<jekstrand> karolherbst_: Yeah, that's probably the best way to do it.
<karolherbst_> we even have three tests just testing clSetKernelArg :) nice
<karolherbst_> ehhh they all want workGroupInfo implemented as well.. oh well
<airlied> mlankhorst: nope, unless it's for fixes since we are post rc7
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<karolherbst_> argh...
<karolherbst_> clc could contain the normal spirv kernel arg parsing :D
<karolherbst_> jenatali: are you using nir or spirv to parse the kernel arguments?
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<karolherbst_> ehh probably you are doing it at a dxil level?
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<karolherbst_> mhh I need to think about this
<anholt> jekstrand: thanks for fixing the vulkan cmd queue codegen!
<karolherbst_> jekstrand: any initial thought about where we want to parse out all the actual kernel args? I kind of lean towards nir, because then we really don't have to do anything with the spirv
<jekstrand> anholt: yw!
<jekstrand> karolherbst_: idk. I never really felt like I had a good handle on why we did it with SPIR-V in clover.
<karolherbst_> I think because this was way before nir was in a good enough shape
<airlied> do you still have all the info for clGetKernelArgInfo at the nir stage?
<karolherbst_> airlied: that's a different thing
<karolherbst_> clGetKernelArgInfo is already implemented :D
<airlied> ah cool
<karolherbst_> but it's very useless for running kernels
<karolherbst_> it only returns the (type) names inside the source which could be typedefs or whatever
<karolherbst_> as literal strings
<karolherbst_> also.. clGetKernelArgInfo requires -cl-kernel-arg-info passed in
<karolherbst_> okay.. anyway.. I have to do something similiar to clc_spirv_to_dxil
<karolherbst_> maybe it makes sense to split it out into clc so we can generate nir_shaders directly out of clc
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<karolherbst_> anyway.. that's going to be fun
<karolherbst_> project for the weekend
<jekstrand> karolherbst_: I'm still not sure NIR is in good enough shape. It doesn't have any of the actual types. Just representative bit sizes.
<karolherbst_> jekstrand: why would you need the actual types?
<karolherbst_> it's all just sized data except for samplers and mem objects
<karolherbst_> well and local* handling
<karolherbst_> passing in a command_queue will be fun, but that's like CL 2.0 stuff, no?
<karolherbst_> anyway, we don't have to know the actual types for clSetKernelArg
<airlied> karolherbst_: are you not targetting CL3.0 straight away?
<karolherbst_> I am starting with implementing all the CL 1.0 stuff first :D
<karolherbst_> but yes.. the platform itself reports CL 3.0
<karolherbst_> dealing with queue_t is probably a lot of pain
<karolherbst_> "Device-side enqueue and on-device queues are optional for devices supporting OpenCL 3.0" nice
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<dcbaker> Is there a way to get the CI to just run everything?
<dcbaker> It comes back green, then I push a patch and suddenly something unrelated is failing, and the 22.0 branch is just a clusterfuck because the CI is not running everything
<dcbaker> I thought it was green, then it suddenly isn't because the CI decided to not run half the CI!
<anholt> do you mean "run all the manual jobs"?
<anholt> or do you mean "don't do the filtering thing of what jobs are available"?
<dcbaker> I mean, actually run everything
<dcbaker> because this is completely useless:
<dcbaker> I see "green check mark" but that means "I ran some subset of tests and that passed"
<dcbaker> because clearly we weren't ready to release yesterday
<anholt> you're using the branch interface, rather than an MR?
<dcbaker> because 22.0 is a branch and we don't land MR's?
<dcbaker> I run a script, and push the branch to the staging/22.0 branch
<dcbaker> without MRs
<dcbaker> if there are regressions, we force push
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<dcbaker> that's the way this was done since we added CI
<anholt> it sounds like maybe you want an exception like how ignore_scheduled_pipelines is included in all the test-source-dep, which looks at the branch name and repo and runs everything?
<dcbaker> I think so?
<dcbaker> I mean, normally this would be fine
<dcbaker> but I was sick for a week and ended up with like 50 patches that got semi-blindly pushed
<dcbaker> doing release management with covid might not have been a good idea, in retrospect
<dcbaker> so right now I really just want to get a complete snapshot of the state of 22.0
<dcbaker> Because I don't know what's even broken in the branch
<anholt> but yeah: doing dev on a branch given our filter rules means you have to make sure you touched something related to every job that failed, or it won't re-run that job and you can lose track of what's busted.
<dcbaker> Okay, I missed that change becanse 21.2 didn't have that :/
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<lk95> Hi I'm having trouble using semaphores inside kthreads where removing the kernel module freezes the system. Anybody can help? I've been banging my head for two straight days. I'm sure I'm missing something but the internet wasn't of much help. Here is an extremely simplified version of the code which has the same problem. kthread_stop isn't interrupting the down_interruptible call, so the kernel freezes.
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<karolherbst_> lk95: does kthread_stop even interrupt?
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<dcbaker> anholt: thanks, that got me going! thankfully just a bunch of unexpected passes that I wasn't aware of
<dcbaker> zmike, airlied : does that seem familiar?
<anholt> that's what we hope to see, right?
<anholt> dcbaker: zmike has taken to putting the ci updates in a separate commit for some reason, which will cause you trouble when you cherry-pick the fix back.
<zmike> I don't think those are mine
<anholt> looked like some of the asan fixes were in that branch
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<airlied> lavapipe: reference gallium fences correctly. and lavapipe: fix sampler + sampler view leaks.
<airlied> dcbaker: those two are what causes all of that
<karolherbst_> dcbaker: rust.bindgen but having to include generated header files :/
<karolherbst_> ohh wait.. I can probably pass them in as input
<dcbaker> karolherbst_: you need to generat bindings to a generated header, or you need to include generated in a not generated one?
<karolherbst_> dcbaker: I want to create bindings for nir
<karolherbst_> and nir does depend on generated headers
<dcbaker> hmmm, if those can't be added to input we can expose the depends keyword (which just needs a small patch for the interpreter)
<karolherbst_> mhh yeah.. doesn't seem to work
<karolherbst_> ['rusticl_mesa_bindings.h', nir_opcodes_h]
<karolherbst_> no dir inside build added as include dirs
<karolherbst_> dcbaker: but I think rust.bindgen should just take deps indeed and extract potential include_dirs from that
<dcbaker> ah, yeah, that adds the dependency, but not the include dirs
<dcbaker> so you could also add a path to `include_dirs` as a work around
<dcbaker> I'll add a `dependencies` keyword
<karolherbst_> sure, but what path to add for generated headers?
<karolherbst_> well.. I guess I could add my path from my system...
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<karolherbst_> yeah okay, that works for now
<dcbaker> it does have an `include_directories` argument, and it takes `include_directories` object, like what the idep_nir takes
<dcbaker> gah, now I've hit an issue that I know exists and haven't dealt with for years because it's hard
<karolherbst_> dcbaker: right I know, but that doesn't add the dirs of the generated files :)
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<dcbaker> I'm not sure I understand what's happening then?
<karolherbst_> so the header I use to generate rust bindings for includes files which are generated
<karolherbst_> e.g. nir_opcodes_h
<karolherbst_> but there is no way to specifying the proper include dir for those files
<karolherbst_> *specify
<karolherbst_> atm I'd have to add include_directories('../../../../build/src/compiler/nir/')
<dcbaker> okay, right, but that works, it's just hideous :)
<karolherbst_> yeah
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<zmike> eric_engestrom: you can skip all those backports if they don't apply
<zmike> I was mainly wanting the 22.0 backport
<eric_engestrom> zmike: got it, thanks :)
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