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<DavidHeidelberg> Mary: Heya. Midgard doesn't have support for 8-bit vec, right?
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<Mary> DavidHeidelberg: Pretty sure it doesn't, I only wired up bifrost side of things
<DavidHeidelberg> I improved a bit OpenCL into... more passes than failures, thou it has a few bifrost code "backporting" ahead. I'll send MR shortly, I need to test another NIR pass.
<DavidHeidelberg> I guess the all the focus went to Bifrost, right?
<tnt> What's bifrost ?
<tnt> Tx.
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<DavidHeidelberg> Mary: I was asking more about if it's available in the HW, in that case I would try to wire it up on Midgard too
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<DavidHeidelberg> Mary: btw. maybe it would make sense add CI to track OpenCL even on Bifrost
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<daniels> Midgard can do 8-bit indeed, as vec16
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<Mary> DavidHeidelberg: I know that Bifrost doesn't pass the basic suite of OpenCL CTS so I don't think it's worth it atm
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<karolherbst> daniels: vec16 alu?
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