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<robclark> DemiMarie: yes, I believe there is uabi to go btwn syncobj and fence.. drm_syncobj is just a fancy wrapper for dma_fence.. at the driver level when it comes to pageflip/submit/etc it is all just dma_fence
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<DemiMarie> robclark: Would OpenGL (even with obscure extensions) be simpler and safer than Vulkan?
<DemiMarie> Also this is in OCaml, possibly with some Rust thrown in.
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<robclark> for just doing a blit, I don't think there is any safety difference.. for directly using c gl vs vk, gl will be less lines of code to type... idk what the situation is with ocaml or rust bindings or helper libs
<robclark> gl probably gives you wider hw support (no idea if you care about older things where vk is not possible)
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<DemiMarie> Is OpenGL easier to use correctly for this non-expert?
<DemiMarie> My understanding is that OpenGL was originally meant to be used by applications directly, whereas Vulkan was meant to be used by other libraries or by experts. I am very much in the former position.
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<K900> Hey folks, NixOS Mesa maintainer here, who do I talk to about libgbm related things? I have a refactoring idea that's been floated in NixOS spaces for a while but I think it really belongs upstream
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<zamundaaa[m]> Demi: getting a fence fd from a syncobj requires first waiting for the timeline point to materialize a fence
<zamundaaa[m]> You can either copy what most Wayland compositors do - keep all Wayland state for each surface delayed until the syncobj is materialized and signaled
<zamundaaa[m]> Or do a blocking wait for it to materialize and then extract the fence fd
<zamundaaa[m]> ... or use Vulkan and avoid the issue
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<K900> (sorry for the join spam, trying to figure out why the Matrix bridge is not working)
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<emersion> zamundaaa[m]: vulkan waits and can't import syncobjs
<emersion> waits as in blocks
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<zamundaaa[m]> emersion ah, so it can only export them?
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<zamundaaa[m]> Emma [it/its]: yes, but I'm on Matrix
<zamundaaa[m]> You need to authenticate yourself with NickServ to get your messages to IRC
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<daniels> ah and K900 is gone again
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<K900> I am still fighting the bridge
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<K900> Anyway I can read the IRC side from Matrix, just not write, I'll ask the Matrix people about this
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<K900> Oh god
<K900> I fought the bridge and won
<K900> Anyway I'll just bump this because I made a bunch of noise:
<K900> Hey folks, NixOS Mesa maintainer here, who do I talk to about libgbm related things? I have a refactoring idea that's been floated in NixOS spaces for a while but I think it really belongs upstream
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<karolherbst> if you already coded it out you can always submit the patches and people would discuss it there
<K900> I wasn't sure about the etiquette around that
<K900> I have a draft of a patch (and some notes) on
<K900> I can just clean it up and submit to Mesa gitlab
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<karolherbst> K900: I think my concern here is, if we make such a API public we'll also need to add support for versioning, not sure if that's already part of it or not
<K900> It is
<karolherbst> okay
<K900> The GBM backend API is already public
<K900> Because Nvidia
<karolherbst> right...
<K900> (and ABI even!)
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<emersion> zamundaaa[m]: it can only import/export sync_files
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<emersion> zamundaaa[m]: there is the opaque FD ext which happens to import/export syncobjs but that's completely implementation defined and can change any time
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<K900> Anyway, I'll submit it as a proper patch then
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<emersion> K900: in principle it sounds fine to me but I haven't looked in detail
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<K900> Also took the liberty to ping who has done a lot of other cleanups in that area
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<bluetail> Hello! Reporting invisible textures in dolphin-emu in different games! (regardless of version) starting from 24.1.4. Installing 24.1.3 of mesa fixed the issue. Before: after:
<bluetail> This is ONLY on OpenGL backend
<bluetail> not on Vulkan
<K900> Does it also happen on 24.2? I think we had a user report something like that on NixOS and 24.2 fixed it for them
<bluetail> yea its also happening on the latest version
<bluetail> mesa-git is unaffected though
<bluetail> but we talking about stable
<bluetail> amdgpu, archlinux latest, hardened kernel
<bluetail> see logs from earlier when I tested vulkan - so its evident it was also happening on latest:
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<HdkR> bluetail: Almost looks culling related rather than invisible textures
<bluetail> HdkR I see. thanks for looking into it
<HdkR> Well, looked at the pictures anyway
<HdkR> Definitely been some changes around radeonsi's culling over the past couple versions. Should be bisectable
<bluetail> HdkR well I found that it started to be an issue after 24.1.3. Is that good enough ?
<bluetail> And that it is no issue with git version
<K900> If you know it happens on 24.1.4 and doesn't on 24.1.3, you could bisect it pretty quickly
<K900> The change is very small
<bluetail> wait, I thought knowing the version is the same as bisect
<bluetail> What is bisect?
<HdkR> bisecting is finding out which change exactly broke it
<bluetail> But I opened the version under tags and see no git diff
<bluetail> why is that
<bluetail> does mesa on gitlab not have diffs?
<K900> It does
<HdkR> Assuming it is a change between those two versions
<HdkR> But if it is also fixed in HEAD, then just need to wait for a new release which includes whatever the fix is
<bluetail> it is fixed in git version, idk wdym with HEAD
<bluetail> I just don't wanna expand more effort if it doesn't make sense
<K900> "HEAD" means "latest git version"
<bluetail> oh, ok I just wait
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