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<K900> GPUs didn't really have much in the way of power management back then
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<mareko> DavidHeidelberg: what is the maximum LLVM version that all CI jobs could be upgraded to?
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<daniels> mareko: we don’t want to upgrade all CI jobs because then we’re cutting off everyone who isn’t using Arch
<daniels> i think having a balance between 15 and 18 is probably sensible
<DemiMarie> daniels: from a distro perspective, I am glad that Mesa doesn't just bundle LLVM.
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<mareko> daniels: s/all CI jobs/CI jobs that build radeonsi and radv/
<daniels> mareko: do you want to drop support for older versions?
<daniels> afaict, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS has LLVM 12, and 22.04 LTS has 15
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<DemiMarie> daniels: Can Mesa be statically linked to LLVM in such a way that it can coexist with other LLVM-using libraries in the same application?
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<Ermine> I guess each driver will get its llvm copy that way...
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<jenatali> Demi: That's how it works on Windows
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<DemiMarie> jenatali: That is nice.
<Ermine> I wonder why there's DRIVER_GEM, but no DRIVER_TTM
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<mareko> daniels: yes, new LLVM is required for hw support, there is no point in supporting LLVM from 2020 unless your GPU is from 2019 or older
<DemiMarie> mareko: how new?
<soreau> mareko: are there any metrics on how many users use 'old' gpu's as opposed to 'new'?
<mareko> DemiMarie: I'm thinking of requiring LLVM 18
<mareko> soreau: no
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<Lynne> so assuming I'm using a new kernel, can I extract a sync object that I can import into vulkan from any dmabuf?
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<emersion> you need to go through sync_file sadly
<emersion> but yeah there is an IOCTL to extract the implicit fence of a DMA-BUF
<Lynne> sadly?
<Ermine> I guess new DRM drivers don't need to do TTM?
<Lynne> also what sort of a semaphore is it?
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